Page 214 of Baby's First Howl

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“That’s Morgan,” Seb says quietly. Chills race down my spine, goosebumps appearing over my skin, as I look at the genuine smile on both women’s faces.

“I see,” I whisper, and I don’t understand how I didn’t see it before now. I point to the woman next to her, my heart echoing inside my brain. “Well, that’s my mum.”



“That’s your mum?” Seb takes the photo from me, his eyes raking over the image.

“Yes.” I move to sit down on the bed, letting Phoebe grasp my finger as I lean in close to him. He kisses my cheek before turning back to the photo.

“Why is she here?”

“I mean, she knows Cade,” I say slowly. “He was working at the company, and she’d have been invited.”

He nods, still frowning. “Is your dad here?”

I look over the image and shake my head. “Not that I can see. But the seat next to her is empty, so maybe he’s getting drinks or something.”

Seb hums but doesn’t acknowledge anything. “She and Morgan knew each other.”

“That’s the thing,” I say as the bedroom door is opened, and I jump in shock.

“Sorry, little butterfly,” Alex says softly. He’s giving me a hesitant look. “We’ve got to go, guys. Topher’s called a pack meeting to let them know about us taking over the pack and to reassure them.”

“But—” I protest, looking over at Seb, who still hasn’t lifted his eyes from the photo.

“We’ve got to go talk with the pack, Maia,” Alex repeats gently. “They weren’t prepared for the sudden shift in power, and it’s something we’re going to need to explain, and fast, to help with their upset. Usually, these things are done delicately, and the pack is fully informed about the ins and outs of the hand over. They’re very worried since that has not happened this time.”

I frown, feeling torn at the huge change. “Oh. Um, this is important.”

“What is?” Alex asks, stepping in closer. I grab the photo from Seb and hand it to him. Alex’s eyes rake over the image, and he cocks a brow. “This is from Talia and Iris’s mating ceremony, right? It’s a bit different from a human wedding, I’m sure, but it’s not that important right now, little butterfly.”

“That’s not what I’m on about,” I say, reaching back for the photo. I point to the blonde woman, and his eyes fill with pain. He immediately looks at me instead. The weight of his despair fills me, knocking me back onto my bum.

It feels harder to breathe, and my eyes widen as I take in the tortured expression on his face. My body tenses up, and the words catch in my throat.

I suck in a deep breath and utter the words that I know are going to change everything. “This woman?—”

“Morgan,” Seb and Alex say as one.

“Morgan. Yes. I know her.” I can feel my heart racing, my hands clammy as I avoid looking either man in the eyes. I feel sick, my vision slightly blurry, as I blink back tears.

“You do?” Alex asks. He lets out a deep breath and nods slowly, clearly sensing something from inside me. “I… I can’t hear this right now.”

“Can’t hear what?” I can’t bear to go through this again, to ruin everything.

“Whatever it is you’re going to share. I can’t, Maia, love. I can’t do it right now.”

His hands are trembling as he reaches out for the photo, and he delicately folds it before shoving it into his pocket. He turns to Seb. “Get Phoebe ready and let’s go. Five minutes until we’re leaving. We’ve got this pack meeting, and Topher wants us to get there first.”

With that, he turns and leaves the room, his footsteps far heavier than normal.

I can feel the turmoil inside of him, the unease, the pain, the sadness. He’s overwhelmed, drowning in the current of his emotions, but he’s determined to not let them phase him.

“He can’t afford to lose it in front of the pack, little mama,” Kane says, and I’m surprised that he’s taken over for Seb. He starts packing up her nappy bag, putting the wipes away, before putting the dirty nappy into a disposable bag.

I sniffle, wiping my tears away delicately. “I know, but?—”
