Page 216 of Baby's First Howl

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We’re in a community room, attached to a bar, which is owned by one of the wolves here. Jared, I think, but the names have quickly disappeared from my brain as fast as they’re mentioned. Ben told me how they often host the pack meetings and pack get-togethers at places like this so as to not stand out amongst the humans, but they do keep it to wolf-owned.

Cameron used to work at a daycare for the wolf pups but transitioned into after school care when her position was no longer needed. It explains her knowledge on babies, and she’s provided quite a few tips as I’ve asked.

Wolves do have milestones, just like human babies do, and she’s promised to get one of the health care workers to arrange a visit with one of my guys, so that they can come over and give Phoebe a wolf assessment. I’m very excited about that. Cameron is honestly just nice.

Phoebe’s asleep in the carrier, and I’m sitting at one of the tables with Cameron as the guys handle their people. It’s been lovely seeing this side of Topher again. Every time he interacts with his people, he truly seems to shine. He loves it, loves being such a figurehead for them, and he gives them all the time of day.

He’s had endless patience as he’s tugged from conversation to conversation. He’s been firm, understanding, and even nice as he talks with each person. He doesn’t seem to falter as he reassures each of the wolves that they’re prepared for this change in leadership and that he and his brothers have the pack as their top priority.

He’s confident, strong, and so sexy. I like a leader, and he’s got the dominance and arrogance in spades.

I think his next two weeks are fully booked with meetings with members of the pack, and yet, he doesn’t turn a single person away when they ask to talk. He’s had a very big queue wanting to chat with him, but he takes his time and doesn’t rush through. I have no idea if this is the norm at their pack meetings, but he’s not the only one answering questions and dealing with a queue of people.

He’s just the only one with a table and full set up.

Alex and Ben aren’t standing at one spot like Topher is, they’re moving through the crowd, stopping at each table and checking in with people that way. I can see them answering questions, mingling, and taking admission, and it’s like they’re born for it.

Seb, on the other hand, is currently hovering behind me, standing against the wall. Every time I’ve looked his way, he gives me a wry grin but makes no effort to move. He’s not strayed from his position or even talked to anyone, and I feel his eyes on me... often.

Seb’s behaviour hasn’t surprised me in terms of the way he’s handled the pack aspect, but I am a little shocked with how he’s handled the security he’s clearly doing for Phoebe and me. I would have thought he’d have been right by my side, not letting anyone close. But other than his hovering, he’s mostly left me alone to socialise.

He’s letting me explore and chat and hasn’t once tried to intervene. It’s nice, and whilst surprising, I truly love it.

This room won’t fit all their pack—probably only eighty or so of them—but they’re doing one meeting today and one tomorrow to go over the changes that have taken place with the change in leadership. This one hasn’t yet started, despite us being here twenty minutes, and I’m a little hesitant about what I need to do once it does. I don’t know the protocol and really didn’t think I should be here for it.

But the guys were insistent, no matter how many times I offered to sit in the car, and so I followed along so that I can do my part.

“The meetings aren’t usually this intense,” Cameron says, and I nod slowly. “I’ll introduce you to some of the mums at one of the next ones. But there’s some lovely people in the pack that I think you’ll get along really well with, and whilst nobody has babies Phoebe’s age, there’s a lot of us who remember exactly what it was like, and we can offer tips.”

“I’d like that,” I say softly. I glance down at Phoebe’s dark hair as she turns her head from the left to the right, taking in all of the people, and grinning. “I’ve spent most of my time with the guys, but I like the idea of a larger community.”

“Unsurprising.” She giggles. “The early days... well, nothing else matters except each other.” I blush, causing her to laugh harder.

“Okay, everyone,” Topher calls, and I can feel Orion’s presence through his tone of voice. As I look over at him, his eyes are still hazel, but I know that Orion is present from the shift in our bond.

There are changes in the way the air sits, a tension I can feel emanating from him. It’s weird, tingles shooting across my skin in such a nice way, but I think I’m the only one who finds it so pleasant. Everyone seems to stop what they’re doing, their eyes flashing from their usual colour to their wolves and back as they pay attention.

“I think everyone who wanted to be here for this one is here, so can we all find a seat please?” my mate commands, his words cutting through the air with ease.

Everyone begins to move towards seats, and the room grows in volume. There’s shuffling, murmured chats, and still that powerful energy in the air. Seb appears at my side in between blinks, and I look up at him in surprise.

“Come,” he murmurs, and I give Cameron a little wave as I’m all but dragged away from her by Seb. She smirks but leaves the table we were at and returns my wave as she slides into a seat next to a tall man who takes her hand in his.

“That was rude,” I say, looking up at him, and he shrugs as he leads me over to the front table. Julie, George, Charles, Edward, and Iris are all sitting here, and my heart is pounding as Seb gently pulls a chair out for me. There’s three empty seats, and I’m surprised when Iris’s mates sit down.

Cade winks at me, and I smile as everyone turns to the front where my mates are standing.

As people find their seats, the room gets quieter and quieter. As I look around, I’m unsurprised that everyone’s focus is on my four men, but there’s such an intensity in their gazes. He didn’t force them to sit, but the respect they’re giving him is so... strange. It’s an aspect of this world I never even thought about.

It’s nice to see, though, nice to be part of.

It’s interesting as well that there are more men here than women. Probably because the men are born in multiples, so there’s less women in general within the pack, but I never realised it was to this level. Phoebe’s the only child in the room, too. I’m not sure if that’s the norm, but for meetings like this, it makes sense.

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” Topher says. “We’ll be doing another meeting tomorrow over at Gemma and Owen’s place, so if your mates or any other family missed today and want to check in, they can. It’ll be at two pm.”

He waits until there are a few nods before continuing to speak. The aura surrounding him is familiar to George’s the first day I met him, so much energy radiating from him, but it’s not as uncomfortable as it used to be.

In fact, it’s nice. I feel safe and warm, and the bond is pulsating with our love for one another.

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