Page 240 of Baby's First Howl

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This situation was bad when I thought it was Ethan here, accosting my girl.

It’s worse now that I know it’s Oliver.

Oliver Grey, the forgotten triplet who has hid from the world for the last decade, or at least… that’s what we thought.

Oliver’s a name that hasn’t been mentioned since the night Morgan died. He was always shoved to the side, never included, all because of his… differences.

Whilst disappointing for the survival of our species, it’s common—far too common—for females to be born without a wolf spirit within. It’s the norm in our society, and it’s so rare, almost a miracle, when that’s not the case.

But for a male to be born without a wolf? It’s practically unheard of.

And whilst Oliver was born as part of a triplet set and carries the scent of a wolf, he does not have one.

He can’t shift. He can’t speak to his wolf. He’s… worse than human, really. He’s deformed, with a leg in both worlds, but he doesn’t belong in either.

And he’s here, intimidating my mate, harassing her, trying to take Ryan’s place because he doesn’t have one of his own.

Well, not on my fucking watch, he won’t.

I let Orion push forward, claiming his strength and dominance as my own, as Oliver shivers at the shift within me. He can feel the danger in the air. He knows there’s predators who want to harm him.

He’s useless, unable to truly do anything. But he is a man who vastly outweighs my mate, and if he wanted, he could harm her past the psychological damage he’s been doing.

His brothers are cowards, one dead, and one so far up his parents ass that he’d need to be birthed again. Oliver, though, his deformity is the reason their trio set is so weak.

Oliver tries to plead with my mate, fully aware he’s lost the upper hand. “You’re wrong, Maia. I’m not and never will be my parent’s puppet.”

“No, you wouldn’t be,” I drawl, slamming the car door as I stride over to where my mate stands. I need her to understand how sorry I am, and I hope she can feel it.

If I knew, if any of us knew that he was here, that this impossibility was actually a reality, we’d have warned her about Oliver. We’d have shared his existence with her, made her aware.

But unlike Ryan, who left of his own will, Oliver was banished from his pack. The words uttered towards him were cruel, but I always figured he’d at least be happier amongst humans who couldn’t tell the difference about what he was. They wouldn’t see him as defective.

And honestly, Morgan’s death was the only thing I cared about when everything went down. Fuck Oliver and Ryan, the traitorous bastards, and fuck Ethan, the ass-licker.

I never reached out to try and find Oliver because, honestly, at the time, I didn’t care what happened to him.

“Because we fucked up here, princess, and I’ve led you to believe something that wasn’t actually true,” I say, coming to a stop next to Maia. Her blue eyes are full of confusion as she looks up at me.

Tears drip down her cheeks as she clutches at Seb’s arm. I’ve never been so grateful to him for providing her the support that she needs.

He’s the one she often clings to when she’s overwhelmed—often followed by Alex—and whilst I’m a little resentful that it’s not me, I just love how much she relies on us.

How much she trusts us.

“You’re only a little jealous she isn’t choosing you?” Orion snorts, and I hold back the eye roll.

“Only a little, yes. I’m mature.”

He snorts again and tries to push forward in my mind. “Come on, you’re making jokes. You’re not taking any of this seriously. Let me out. Let me at him. I’ll fix it all.”

“I don’t understand.” Maia’s words are so quiet, so timid. I hate how she cowers in front of this bastard. How weak she feels.

Maia is perfection and should never, ever feel out of place.

“This isn’t Ethan, little love,” Seb says.

She sways, and Seb grabs her before she can go down. My jaw clenches as I take the sight in. Her emotional pain is clear in both her demeanour and her scent. The tanginess of the orange burns my nose, the weight of her despair is so hurtful for my wolf and I.
