Page 31 of Baby's First Howl

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“She will love you,” Kane says in as gentle a tone as he can.

I nod once more, staying silent as she gently transfers Phoebe into my arms. I didn’t realise how short she was compared to me until now, but she doesn’t even reach my shoulders.

Maia watches the way I hold Phoebe for a moment and smiles before waddling through to the bathroom.

She must be really desperate.

I tense when Phoebe’s eyes open, the icy grey stare penetrating through my soul.

I rumble quietly, letting the vibrations soothe the little girl. She doesn’t do much other than stare, and since she’s not using her wolf vision, I have no idea how much she can see. She’s already starting to utilise her connection with me, though, and is sharing her needs.

She likes the sound of these low grumbles and likes the warmth I’m offering her.

We’re going to need to turn the heating on tonight, though. As wolves, we run hotter, but she’s still only small and doesn’t give off heat as much as I or my brothers do. Like her mother, Phoebe will never want for anything.

“Talk to her,” Kane demands.

I stay silent.

What would a baby want to hear from me? What could I say to make myself worthy of the connection we share?

“Tell our little angel how precious she is. Tell her that we’ll love her and protect her, and gut any male who even thinks they’re worthy enough of being hers. Tell her of the future, of how loved she’ll be.”

My wolf pushes forward, almost reluctantly, when I freeze under the spotlight.

“Hush, little angel,” he says, and her eyes dart to ours, recognising the change in my tone.

They seem to light up—like a glow-in-the-dark nightlight—and I know her wolf recognises mine. She’s reacting the way she can—instinctually.

She’s still too young to know whether her wolf’s eye colour is going to be this bright, almost translucent, grey, but it’s a striking colour, regardless.

“You are a strong wolf. A beautiful wolf.” My wolf is doting in the ways I don’t truly know how to be.

We hear the toilet flush moments before the tap turns on, and I smile at the little girl, barely noticing when Kane retreats.

“Your mum loves you so much,” I whisper, gently tracing my finger down her cheek. “And I hope, soon, you’ll let us all love you, too.”

I bend down and brush a soft kiss over her head, making my claim known to the wolf spirit inside her.

“Was she okay?” Maia asks, coming out of the bathroom. I nod and turn so she can see the awake little girl. Maia smiles—not the dazzling one from earlier, but a more carefree one. She loves with her whole heart.

“And soon enough, that heart will be ours,” Kane says.

“Will it? Will she really love me that way?”

“Pass her here so I can feed her,” Maia says, and I frown. My mate’s twinkling laugh fills the air. “Once she’s done, I’ll let you hold her again. But, for now, she needs her mama.”

I sigh, relinquishing my hold on Phoebe, but I stay close. Maia moves over to the bed—my bed—and gets herself comfortable. At her prompting, I hand her everything she asks for, and Kane and I eagerly watch what she does so that next time, we’re ready and can provide.

“Would you like a drink? Some of that green juice that Ben made or some water?”

“Water would be nice.” Her voice breaks, and I immediately crouch down next to her so she can’t hide her beautiful eyes from me.

“What’s wrong, little love?” Kane asks. Her upset breaks me, and I can’t cope.

I can’t smell her pain and fear.
