Page 5 of Baby's First Howl

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“She definitely doesn’t.” Garrett’s twin sounds amused, with a smirk on his face.

“Fuck off, Patrick,” Garrett says without breaking eye contact with me. He’s got a stern expression on his face, but there’s some concern there, too. “We’re werewolves, Maia. Since you’re human, I’m assuming the baby’s dad is the werewolf. I know this must be hard, but we’re telling the truth. Werewolves are real, and your daughter is one of us.”

I open my mouth to speak, but words just won’t come out. I can’t speak, I can’t protest, I can’t panic. I wish I could argue.

“Where is your husband?” he asks almost kindly. He doesn’t let up on the intense eye contact, his tone demanding an answer from me. Alas, I cannot give one. I point to my mouth, hoping my eyes show him how badly I disbelieve him. “Patrick, if you could, please?”

The first Officer sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he gives me a sheepish look. “Sorry. You can speak. Please answer Garrett’s questions, Maia.”

“What the fuck was that?” I demand, inching away from him and his weird fucking brother as soon as that weird hold has disappeared over my vocals. “I want you both to leave, and take that thing with you.”

Garrett reaches for me, the wolf still in his hands, and I scream, scooting back off the stool. It clatters to the floor, and the fear that was hiding away at his command has come back in full force. My legs are trembling, and I don’t think they’re going to be able to hold me up for very long.

But then, there’s movement from the wolf in Garrett’s arms, and I lose all of the issues I had. Because my scream triggers the wolf in his hands to morph into something impossible.

Something not human.

The wolf morphs into my baby girl.

Whose cry has caused my tits to leak.


My head slams into the floor, and everything goes black.

“She’s waking up,” a gentle voice says as my eyes fly open. My vision is a little fuzzy, with more black spots than actual vision. My brain is slowly waking up, coming out of the foggy sleep haze, and I hate how groggy I feel.

There’s a strong smell of something pungent, and I bat the hand away from my nose that smells like it. I look at the offensive thing, and it’s a small tube being held by a pale, masculine hand. I sit up and scoot away from it, not sure what’s going on.

I rub my eyes, seeing the vague outline of a man. He’s big, but crouched by me on the sofa, he feels a little less intimidating.

“They’re smelling salts,” the gentle voice continues, and I nod slowly. I look around the living room, spotting a police officer holding my daughter. My memory jogs to fill in the blanks, and I remember everything that happened.


I’m assuming Patrick carried me through here, which makes me a little uncomfortable. I don’t know how long I’ve been unconscious or what was discussed whilst I was out. I hate the unknown.

Phoebe’s being held by Garrett, I think, unless they swapped whilst I was unconscious. The other twin is crouched down beside me, a placid expression on his face.

Phoebe is content, which is strange because she was crying the last time I saw her.

When she changed from being a wolf to being my child.

Because she’s a werewolf.

Apparently, just like her daddy was.


“Look, little baby,” Garrett murmurs, moving the finger Phoebe is clutching onto to point to me. I try not to flinch. Those grey eyes of hers don’t budge from him, but mine are fully focused on her. “Mama’s awake, little pup.”

It wasn’t a dream.

It wasn’t even a hallucination.

“She’s a werewolf.” My voice is calm and steady, weirdly, just like my body. It seems that whilst I was unconscious, my brain has adjusted to the new status quo and doesn’t seem as panicked any more.

Get back with the programme, brain, this is fucking terrifying.
