Page 57 of Baby's First Howl

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But my mate never should’ve had to. He has hurt her in the worst way possible, and Maia doesn’t even truly understand that.

Something I hate more than Ryan is that my brothers and I are doing the same thing he did by keeping secrets from Maia. Rather than telling her the truth and trusting that she’ll make the right decision, we’re lying and keeping a pretty big thing from her.

Phoebe whines, pulling me from my thoughts, and I bend over her crib to place my hand on her chest softly so that she hopefully doesn’t wake Maia up. A blurry image of her mama appears in my mind, and I smile.

“Our mate is so beautiful when she sleeps,” Fluffy says.

“A shame I have to disturb it,” I say.

“Maia,” I coo, reaching over to tug the blankets off of her. Her eyes fly open, and I scent her fear. Oh, fuck. “It’s me. It’s Ben.”

“Ben,” she whispers, relief filling her tone. She hesitantly sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and based on the rapid rising and falling of her tits—I mean her chest—she’s still a little panicked. I bend down to pick the disgruntled little wolf up and eye the scary, sleep-deprived human.

“Do you need a wee or anything?” I ask like the generous man I am. Her eyes narrow. “Don’t go getting any ideas, buttercup. I do not like golden showers.”

“I’ll take one,” Fluffy says. “Although, I’d prefer to be the one to mark her that way. Nobody will ever doubt our connection when they smell me on her.”

“That’s the spirit. Do it in wolf form, though. I don’t want my body tainted with piss—hers or ours,” I negotiate.

“I… I’m sorry, what?”

“A golden shower is where you wee on me. I do not like that,” I say, shaking my head. “Boundaries are important in a relationship, Maia, and respecting your partner’s likes and dislikes in the bedroom is a must. It?—”

“No, Ben, I’m not going to wee on you,” Maia gasps. Her eyes are wide, and her lips are parted ever so slightly.

“I think she underestimates how big we are,” Fluffy says. “There’s no way I could fit my dick in there.”

“Our dick.”

“I don’t like referring to my dick as a communal thing,” Fluffy protests.

“Then you get the wolf dick, and I get the human dick,” I argue. “It’s not like anyone other than me has touched this one anyway. You’re not missing out.”

“No, but eventually, I will be. Fine. We’ll share the dick.”

“We’ve shared worse things,” I mutter, and his amusement is felt through our shared bond.

“What are you doing in my bedroom?” Maia demands just as Phoebe starts to whine. My precious mate immediately transforms into mother mode and forgets about everything else. “Pass her here.”

“I was going to,” I mutter, handing the little bundle over. My arms feel weirdly empty without her in them, so I plop down next to Maia on the bed. My pretty little mate sighs, but I don’t think it’s in pleasure, especially not when I edge closer to her and Phoebe.

Being in her proximity is everything. Our bond isn’t very strong, not yet, but it’s building, and being close is the best way to encourage it.

“She’s so hard to please. I just want her to smile at us,” Fluffy says sadly. “Tell her how pretty her tits look. She’ll appreciate that.”

“Your breasts are magnificent in this lighting,” I murmur, and her eyes flash with anger as her head whips up. There’s a glare on her face, her rosy red lips pressed tightly together. Phoebe whines, and without breaking the stare with me, she adjusts our pup so she can feed better.

“Do you think that’s an appropriate thing to say?” Maia demands. She’s using her angry tone of voice, and I hunch in on myself. I didn’t know what I said was wrong, but she’s clearly unhappy, so I slowly shake my head, but I can feel my own frown, and that seems to agitate her further.

“I’m feeding my child, and you think now is the time to make crude comments about my body?” Maia hisses.

“Crude?” Fluffy demands, pushing forth to take control and battle it out with our mate. “You’d say complimenting my mate is crude? Your tits are magnificent. They’re full of milk, of goodness, as you feed our daughter. You would dare tell me I am crude?”

“That’s not a compliment,” Maia says, staring at my wolf with a sneer on her lips. “Or at the very least—it’s not a compliment I’m interested in hearing.”

“Oh,” I say. “I didn’t realise her boobs were a sore topic for her. We messed up. Should we have complimented her eyes? Her smile?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Do we apologise? Beg for forgiveness?” Fluffy asks me.
