Page 85 of Baby's First Howl

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Our cousin.

Ryan is our cousin.

Why couldn’t they tell me this?

Knowing his identity and keeping it from me is one thing. But it’s not as if he’s just some random stranger that they didn’t know.

He’s their fucking cousin.

He’s a bad Wolfe Alex claimed. And they hid it from me. They never told me that they knew who my daughter’s father was, they never told me of their link to him.

The man who ran from his abusive parents and pack and lived as a human for years.

The man I see regularly.

The man I love.

They claim he’s bad. But he never treated me with anything but kindness, with love.

All this time, through all of my mourning and pain, all my regret at getting closer to them, all the uncertainty… they had so many opportunities to help relieve me of some of this pain. They could’ve trusted me, been open with me, but instead, they lied.

My anger builds as fast as my hurt does, and the more I sit here, trapped with my own thoughts, the less rational I become.

Alex’s fingers thrum on the steering wheel as we wait, and I’m silently seething. This time, I hope he can scent the changes in my mood. I hope he can feel the way my blood is boiling.

Phoebe’s asleep in her car seat, the vibrations of the car soothing her, and we wait.

And wait some more.

“They’re on the way out now,” Alex says. I don’t know when the switch between Max and Alex took place, but the man seems very unsure how to handle me. He keeps eyeing me through the rearview mirror, but I deliberately avoid making eye contact.

I don’t want to see the look in his eyes. I don’t want to know how he’s feeling.

Is he determined to uphold his righteousness? Is he going to feel guilty? Is he going to be sad? Angry?

I don’t want to know until I’ve processed my own emotions. I refuse to let him sway me, and I know he could, so easily.

I see the three identical men leave the doctor’s office and head towards the car. They’re tense, that much is clear, and there’s almost an air of danger surrounding them.

But right now, I don’t care about playing it safe to not anger the dangerous werewolves. I’m angry in my own right.

I clench my jaw, turning my head away as they advance, not wanting to look at them any further. The front door is yanked open, and one of the guys drops in . He turns to face me, but I won’t look at him. Instead, I give Phoebe my full attention. She’s asleep, but I watch her soft breathing and give her my attention.

“Are you okay, Maia?” That’s Topher sitting in the front, and he’s surprisingly less angry than I thought he would be. There’s some tension in his words, but for the most part, he seems calm.

That’s not what I expected after hearing about who Dr Thomas actually is. I would have thought he’d be furious, maybe even murderous. Is it strange that I’m actually disappointed by that?


“Maia’s a little upset with us,” Alex says in a calm and soothing tone, and Topher groans.

If I were a violent woman, I’d smash my fist into his face and not feel an ounce of guilt for the way he’s acting, like I’m the problematic one here.

“Perfect,” he says with a heavy sigh. The only reason I don’t bother snapping at him is because he genuinely seems put out over it.

Let them wallow in their misery. Then at least we’re good company for each other.

Topher looks over at Ben and Seb, who didn’t get in the car, and I watch their interactions out of the corner of my eye. It’s strange, but I can’t tell them apart right now. Both are stern-faced and holding themselves in an identical position, and I saw neither man properly before they left this morning, so their clothes are no indication.
