Page 94 of Baby's First Howl

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What if Phoebe never shifted into a werewolf?

What if the guys told me about Ryan being their cousin weeks ago?

What if, what if, what if…

I know for a fact that if they told me about Ryan, I’d have left. I wouldn’t still be here. They’d be in the agony they talked about, and so would I.

I can accept that as the truth, even if it annoys me. I deserve to know what is happening with any piece of information we have regarding Phoebe, and they kept this from me. Rightly. But not rightly, either, because she’s my daughter, and I need all of the facts to keep her safe.

But by keeping that secret… they gave me time to work with them and let them open up when the time was right.

If I’m being honest with myself, I probably wouldn’t have been that annoyed if they told me the truth themselves tonight, without Dr Thomas prompting me. I’d have griped about it but ultimately moved on.

But they didn’t. They were forced into telling me, and that is what hurts. After the last few weeks, they still don’t trust me.

But, Maia… do you trust them?

I look at both Ben and Alex again, my heart hurting at the pained expressions on their faces, the invisible storm cloud apparent over their heads. Today was a lot to go over, and there’s no denying that there’s a complex history between Ryan and my guys.

However, it also clearly shows that we need to figure out a way to move forward.

“Seb has just got home,” Ben says. His words seem to echo in the silent house, and I adjust myself so I’m sitting up properly. I’ve been worried about Seb, being out there alone with Dr Thomas, so I’m so glad he’s home.

I can’t bear the thought of him being harmed, so I hope he’s in one piece.

“Let’s order some food for dinner and make a plan for how we’re going to move forward,” Alex says, giving me an assessing look. “Seb’s been out chasing down Dr Thomas, so I need you to be prepared for whatever he has to say.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. How can I prepare when I have no idea what I’m preparing for?

“He’s gone to follow the doctor, darling, and if the doctor has done something stupid, like reporting what has gone down today to whoever got him to be here, then we’re fucked,” Ben says, and his tone seriously implies that I’m stupid. “We’ll need to make some plans fast before we’re caught with our pants down. That’ll only piss off our dear cousin anyway, since our dicks are vastly larger?—”

“Your cousin?” I ask, and I know based on the way Ben lets out a snarl that I’ve focused on the wrong thing from his words. I don’t care about their cock sizes, not when he’s talking about another cousin.

If Ryan’s dead, and Morgan—Phoebe—is dead… which of their cousins are still alive?

Alex’s eyes widen, and he lets out a bunch of curses, panic filling him.

“What?” I demand, moving towards the edge of my seat in concern. Ben just rolls his eyes as if it’s all beneath him.

“We never… we’re idiots, and I’m very, very sorry.” Alex’s tone is so genuine here, and I nod slowly. “Ethan Grey is the soon-to-be alpha of their pack,” Alex says as the front door slams open, banging into the wall. It’s closed a lot quieter, but that doesn’t disguise the frustration from the man who did it.

Seb’s heavy footsteps can be heard as he storms through the house, and the tension weighing on him can be felt just as easily as my soul seems to relax. He’s home, he’s safe.

“Ethan is Ryan’s identical brother and is a fucking prick,” Alex says with a sigh as my entire body freezes. “However, sources say he’s been missing quite a few pack appearances lately, which doesn’t bode well for whatever it is that they’re planning.”

I feel like all of the air has been sucked out of the room.

Identical brother.

Ryan has an identical brother.

For months, I’ve been tormented by a dead man, doubting my own mind, convinced that I’m a powerful woman who can see ghosts.

But Ryan has an identical twin brother.

I can’t move, my entire being frozen. My head feels so heavy, like it’s impossible to hold up, my legs shaky and weak as the words bounce around my brain. I can’t bring myself to look away from Alex, but he’s not even looking at me.

Ryan’s got a brother. An identical brother.

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