Page 47 of Flurry

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“We’re dating, I guess. Seeing if it has potential and where it may lead.”

“And how does Damian fit in to that?”

“We’re dating, seeing where it may lead.”

“Like a polyamorous thing,” she asks.

“There are three of us in the relationship,” I clarify. “We spend time together and separately. I don’t know what the best label is, but we haven’t defined much.”

“Much,” Kit asks.

“We’ve agreed that we’re exclusive to the three of us. That’s about it. It’s early days, really.”

“Sure, but you’ve already spent two nights with them. Which isn’t like you, at all,” Kit says. “So, it must be serious.”

“Two? Already? Didn’t this just start up,” Isla asks, her signature concern for me evident.

“That sort of happened on its own.” I shrug. “Other than the gala this weekend, I have no plans with either of them.”

I know as well as these two do that I need to be wading in, not diving. Falling for two men before we know if we have a sturdy enough foundation to build off is a recipe for disaster. They’ve been inviting me over and I’ve been conveniently very busy for the last several days.

Zan and Damian need their time together, anyway. I don’t need to be present for everything. Besides, my workload can’t handle too many sleepovers. Not if I want to be awake for classes and lectures, anyway.

“It’s more than just sex though?”

“Of course it is, Isla.”

“Hey, don’t blame me for asking. I’m just being protective of my only sister.”

“I know you are. But you know me, and you know Zander.”

“But I don’t know Damian much at all.”

“You’d like him, I think. He’s a lot like Zan, quiet and reserved. Unless he’s being flirty, then he’s much more like me.”

“What does he want to do after school,” Kit asks.

“He says he wants to write books, help develop documentaries, and aid activists in exposing cults,” I answer her. His passion about it is just one of the many things I’m coming to admire about the man. “He’s smart, has an intuitive sense about people, and has similar interests as me, professionally.”

“Kind of the best of both worlds, then. You get the athlete and the intellectual,” Kit says.

“I guess so,” I agree. “For Damian, too. As for Zan, he gets me, plus the bonus of a male version.”

“Are you bringing them both to the next family dinner,” Isla asks with a shit-eating grin.

“Here I am, basking in my all new sexed up glow and you wanna go ruin it like that?”

“Dad will be surprised, but he’ll be supportive.”

“Probably. But maybe only after he clocks Zan a time or two.”

“That’s just hockey rules,” she says.

I laugh, because yeah, hockey players are weird.

“Did you tell Coach you were coming with me?”

“No, I figured he’d hear from you or Isla,” I answer on the drive from our building to the aquarium where the gala is being held. Zander nearly mauled me when I opened the door for him earlier. It’s flattering, but it took hours to get my hair to stay in this updo, he’s not allowed to ruin it yet, so he was relegated to only a sweet before-date kiss. As hard as that was, because damn, the man wears a suit well.
