Page 56 of Flurry

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“You never argue with him,” I say, genuinely shocked. In all the years they’ve been friends, there’s never been a ripple of drama between them.

“He’s never dated my sister before.”

“What did he say that made you argue?”

“That he didn’t want to tell you he suggested being seen publicly with a woman would help kill the rumors floating around the league.” I slump back in my chair. We’ve discussed the importance of honesty and yet he didn’t want to talk to me about this. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to take that. “I told him he needed to talk to you about it, or I would.”

“You threw him a line and he didn’t grab it,” I say.

“He does care about you; I don’t question that.”

“But not enough to fill me in,” I argue.

“Maybe he’s waiting until they’re back, Willa. He’s been preoccupied with Callie. And we both know he’s a good man.”

“We do. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel used, though.”

“That’s what I was afraid of.”

The food is dropped off, and I eagerly divert conversation to other topics. Obviously, I have a big one ahead of me with Zander, but I don’t need to drag our night down by hashing it out with my sister. Especially, when I hardly see my niece these days.

Sadie rambles on about school and how her teacher, Miss Ly, shows her how to write names. I dig out a small notebook and pen from my handbag and let her show me. She painstakingly writes her own with her pink tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth.

I’ve never had baby fever before. Maybe that’s because I lived with Isla for the first few years of Sadie’s life. But she’s at a fun age right now and something inside me wonders what it would be like to have one of my own someday. And then I wonder if I’m in too complicated of a situation for that. I don’t know if either Damian or Zander want children. It would only take one to say no.

So far, there hasn’t been any sense of jealousy between the three of us, but would that change if I had a baby with one of them? My mind begins to spiral with all the subjects we’ve yet to discuss, and again, I’m struck with the idea that maybe I’m invested more than I should be. We just started dating, after all.

“Do you want to try my name next,” I ask.

“Yes! It starts with this,” she says, drawing a big W.

“You’re so smart.”

“That’s what Daddy says, too. I’m smart like my mom.”

“Your dad is no dummy.”

“Nope, and he still has his teeth,” Sadie says, as if her father’s dental situation is somehow a credit to his wisdom.

For the past few days, I’ve largely ignored the guys. Besides responding in our group text, I haven’t spoken or seen either of them. The time was needed, for myself, to clear my mind. Zander hasn’t alluded to needing to discuss anything with me, which concerns me.

The time has come, however. I’ve sat with the subject as much as I can, and now, it’s time to talk. They both threatened to knock down my door if I didn’t poke my head out for proof of life soon, anyhow.

Truthfully, their threats were kind of hot.

I guess I’m ‘that girl’. At least I know it.

Kit wants to go bowling tonight, and I invited the guys to go along. Maybe I can get out my excess emotion by kicking their asses with a ball and pins. Then we can have another discussion about the importance of honesty.

I have dinner with Kit before we head to the bowling alley. Dinner included a few rounds of drinks, and by the time we trek the two blocks to meet the guys, I’m tipsy from saki and full-on sushi. We still beat them there and have reserved a lane before they arrive.

“That might be the best bowling outfit I’ve ever seen,” Damian says, giving me a once-over. I’m wearing a classic bowling shirt, black with pink accents, except it’s not just a shirt, it’s a boy-short body suit. I found it about a year ago at a vintage shop and fell in love with its quirkiness. This is the first time I’ve worn it though. It’s fun, but I don’t normally show so much skin in public.

“Thank you, sir,” I tell him with a curtsey. “Find your balls, boys. You’re gonna need them.”

“You look good,” Zander says, stepping up to me. “Missed you.”

“Hi, big guy. Hope you’re ready to have your ass handed to you.”
