Page 57 of The Alpha's Mystery

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“Congratulations. You’re a lucky man.” Blake tosses me a wink but manages to keep his expression neutral. Whenever I travelled to the Steel Pack to visit Max, Blake was always welcoming. I’m glad to see him here today. He coached Zoe through discovering her wolf, and, when the time comes, Chase will probably need his guidance. Blake’s the only person I can think of that’s even close to Chase’s strength.

“I am indeed,” Chase replies, reaching for my hand and kissing my knuckles, resting our joined hands on the table. If anyone in the room hadn’t picked up on his scent all over me, or the mark on my neck, his openly possessive display has made it obvious what’s going on here.

“And I take it as you are now mated, Natalie has filled you in on the shifter world, and our need for absolute secrecy.” Blake pretends that Chase was clueless up to now. Chase nods along, as if he hadn’t already partially shifted or seen video footage of me as a bear dragging an unconscious Marcus from a fire. Somehow, these two are completely on the same page and have decided that playing dumb is the best strategy.

“Yes, Natalie is helping me wrap my head around it. I’m going to move to Grey Ridge for the moment and learn as much as I can.” He gives my hand another squeeze and Hayley smiles, glad to hear her big brother is sticking around.

While everyone watches Blake and Chase, I scan the faces of the council members. Some look intrigued, openly curious about the newest member of the Walker family to disrupt the status quo. Others look at the two men before them with nothing short of open suspicion. The council is not made of stupid people.

“What about Natalie’s mark? It means you’ve at least partially shifted?” Blake’s tone is solemn as he retakes his seat, making this more of a conversation than an interrogation.

“Yes, Natalie thinks the mating bond, her marking me, might have brought it on.”

Some eyes narrow, but Chase’s answer ticks that box without hinting at any previous incidents. Whether they buy it or not is a different story. I keep my expression blank and resist the temptation to mindlink him and remind my mate that he bit me first. His grip on my hand tightens ever so slightly, as though he can feel me itching to put him straight.

Interestingly though, Chase's presence strengthens, filling the room, and I notice some raised eyebrows. They might have come here to assert their rules and satisfy their own curiosities, but now that they are face to face with him, they’re realising that Chase is more than just a latent shifter.

He’s a king among wolves.

One woman, though, with flowing black hair, looks furious. She’s the only person not staring at Chase. She’s staring at me.

“It will be interesting to see what happens now.” Blake smiles and settles back in his chair, folding his hands casually over his stomach. “Having you here obviously makes it much easier for you to ask questions and get support.”

None of the council argue. He’ll be where they can monitor him, and wait to see if he does shift. That’s all they can ask for now.

“And is there anyone else you plan to lean on for support?” A tall man with a shock of dark hair, greying at the temples, puts forth the first question from the council.

“I’m a man of few words at the best of times.” Chase holds the man’s gaze easily, not remotely fazed by the weight of the council members' stares. “Given that most of my family is aware of shifters, I have no need to speak to anyone outside that small circle. I appreciate the need for discretion.”

My mind goes to Tripp and Van, currently kicking back in Taaffe’s with a couple of cold beers, killing time playing pool until we return.

The woman fixes her cold eyes on me.

“A prince is quite a catch for a Lennox,” she comments, and I glare at her, taking a deep breath to calm myself. I’m used to people making assumptions about me because of my family, just not voicing it quite so blatantly to my face. I’m not concerned about what she thinks of me, but I am worried about how Chase will react.

She turns to Chase, “Your marking is unfortunate, no doubt encouraged to be done so quickly by your mate. I was to be matched with the King’s heir; that role should rightfully have fallen to my daughter, Elodie”

The wolf beside her rolls his eyes. This is clearly a story he’s heard before. Swallowing hard, I force myself not to rise to the bait. She thinks I stole her daughter’s rightful mate? Tough. He’s mine, and that’s the end of it. My blood starts to boil as Chase’s fury flows through the bond.

“A fated mate is quite a catch for any shifter,” I respond mildly. “The goddess was good to both of us.”

The woman presses her lips tightly together. No wolf shifter would dare suggest the moon goddess or a fated pairing was wrong.

“I’m not a prince, nor do I want to be.” Chase is practically vibrating with anger at the disrespect he feels they’re showing me, but he’s holding it together well. “And let’s not forget, we don’t know that I’ll ever fully shift. In the meantime, I just want to be left alone to figure this all out.”

Appeased he’s not here to dissolve the council and take over the shifter world, the council visibly relaxes. The dark-haired woman pouts.

“What are your plans now?” Cooper asks, trying to bring the tone of the meeting back to friendly rather than antagonistic. Chase turns to look at me, a smile on his face, letting this bullshit twenty questions wash over him.

“Spend some time with my mate. Learn more about what all of this is. Set up my own business, private security, that kind of thing. I’ve got lots of contacts in the industry and I’ve already got a few gigs lined up.”

The undercurrent of unease is noticeable. Apparently, this is not the answer they wanted.

“You appreciate that you can’t use your unusual skills in public, or in a way that will make it obvious that you are different. It’s a risky choice of profession. I’m surprised that you haven’t run into difficulties before.”

The wolf opposite him, an obnoxious man with shrewd eyes is hinting that he has. Chase says nothing, just stares back, unblinking, letting the power flow from him with ease until the room is a living, breathing embodiment of his power. It’s stifling, and the wolf opposite Chase shifts uncomfortably in his chair.

“I’m aware.” That’s all Chase says, releasing his stranglehold on the room and allowing the atmosphere to return to normal. It’s quite a power play and the stunned looks shared by everyone around us, including Cooper and Blake, tell me they’ve gotten the message. He can control it when he wants to, and he doesn’t need to resort to violence to get his way.
