Page 67 of The Alpha's Mystery

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“I don’t know… I think we should leave… right now. I don’t like this,” he admits, speaking against my hair, making it look like a tender kiss to my head.

For Chase to admit he doesn’t feel right, it must be bad. I’m about to steer him toward the door but then stop. Where am I going to go? We’re in another pack’s territory and I’m not sure what’s about to happen.

Will I be able to handle this on my own when I can’t shift anymore?

My gaze locks with Blake as he senses there’s an issue. Grabbing Chase’s hands, I stand in front of him, trying to get him to focus on me, but his eyes are flashing silver to black, and back again, swimming with the disorientation I can feel through our connection.

“Keep touching him, it will help soothe him,” Blake instructs calmly as he stands close by, ready to act if needed, but leaving enough room for Zoe to slide in beside us and take Chase’s pulse. When she touches his forehead, already clammy, he snarls at her; it’s not serious, but telling her he doesn’t want physical contact.

“It’s happening,” Zoe whispers, smiling despite the edge of concern in her voice. “It’s going to suck, Chase, but afterwards, you’ll be so happy.”

Immediately, Max and Raiden clear the room, taking Chase’s parents away with the assurance that Chase will be fine in Zoe’s capable hands.

“Natalie, you should leave, too,” Chase grits out, his hand trembling in mine as his arms, his whole body, begins to shake violently. “The baby… I need you to be safe.”

“No way. You are my mate, and I’m not leaving you to do this on your own. Now sit.” Moving in close to him, I give him a quick hug before easing him back into a chair. His legs are weak, and he staggers, doing as I ask for the first time since we met.

Chase’s unsteady gaze lands on his uncle, still standing just inside the doorway and watching with keen eyes. “You stick with Blake and Zoe until we know what’s going on.”

Killian might be family, but he’s still a stranger, and Chase isn’t exactly a trusting guy. I can almost hear his brain churning through the questions we all have. What’s he doing here? What does he want? Where has he been all these years? Where is the King?

Chase’s jaw tightens right before he doubles over in agony, sliding to his knees on the floor. As I rub a hand along his back, I feel his skin ripple as the muscles underneath stretch. He shouts, head tipped back, as the crunch and clicking of bones moving fills the air. To hear it happening so long and drawn out is grotesque. Zoe has a new level of respect from me if this is what she endured to get her wolf.

“It’s harder because his first shift is at this age. It’ll get easier with practice,” Blake promises, seeing my distress at Chase’s pain.

“He hasn’t gotten his wolf yet? How can that be?” Killian looks stunned, and though he directs the question to Blake, Chase growls, unhappy about being spoken of like he’s not sitting right there.

Killian dips his head in apology. “What I meant was that you felt like a full wolf to me when I walked in. I assumed you had already shifted. Your animal was so strong.”

“It was just a matter of time, especially now that Nat’s expecting. An unknown, dominant wolf just appeared near her in a confined space; he’s pushing forward for you.” Blake smiles at me.

Chase’s claws are out now, his fingers bleeding where they’ve punched through his old skin, and his head hangs low as he catches his breath. I’m on the floor beside him, whispering words of encouragement and touching him, hoping the mate bond will help with the pain.

“You’re amazing, Chase. You’re nearly there.” His features have lengthened, his teeth growing longer as his face transforms. Killian steps toward me as if to usher me away from Chase’s massive jaws, but it’s the wrong thing to do. After minutes of slow, torturous shifting, Chase goes furry in an instant, lunging at Killian.

With tears streaming down my face, I wrap my arms around Chase’s neck, his white coat soft and luscious as I bury my face in it.

“You’re the most handsome wolf I’ve ever seen.” And he is. Huge and regal looking, he accepts my hug, resting back on his haunches and observing the rest of the room with nothing but suspicion.

“Wow, Chase. Wow.” Zoe shakes her head, unable to get any more words out. “I’m so proud of you, brother. Just wait till we can go for a run together.” Tentatively, she reaches out to stroke his back and he lets her, allowing her into his personal space while the two men in the room are persona non grata.

“I think we should leave you alone. Chase, I’ve cleared the path to the rear entrance of the house, so you can follow your nose to the great outdoors if you feel the need to stretch your legs.” With a sweep of his hand toward the door, Blake invites Killian to leave the room before him. “Let’s go find your sister. I’m sure you have lots to catch up on.” Killian nods, and with one last look, strides out into the hall.

“And, Chase, you still have time to reconsider applying for the Alpha Games… it’s not closed yet,” Blake adds with a wink as he follows Killian out and begins chatting away, already inviting the long-lost heir to the wolf throne to stay for the night.

Vaguely, I hear the click of the door as everyone leaves us. Chase ducks his head to nuzzle at my belly and I smile, rubbing a hand over my emerging bump.

“We’re okay. Everyone’s okay.” He sniffs me all over and I giggle when he presses his snout between my thighs. “Hey, hey, enough of that.”

He huffs, displeased when I push his head away, then moving to his mark and dragging his tongue right across it.

“You cut that out. Your parents are right down the hall.” Shoving him back, I take his jaws in my hands and stare into those striking silver eyes. We stay there, letting the emotions flowing through the bond do the talking. I love this man with all my heart, and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my days with anyone else.

CHASE: I love you too.


