Page 8 of Lottie

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“And in the meantime, your dad would still be there, gambling away what little money you have left.” Anger burned hot and fierce in Frankie’s eyes. “I can’t believe he did this to you!”

“I can’t be mad at him. You haven’t seen him, Frankie. He’s so lost without mom.”

“Well, I damn well can be mad at him. And there’s nothing you can do to stop me. So there.”

Sniffling back a fresh wave of tears, Lottie leaned on Frankie’s shoulder. “Thanks.”

“No problem, honey.” Frankie cleared her throat, and when she spoke she sounded uncharacteristically hesitant. “I, ah, may have a solution for you.”

“Really?” Bolting upright, Lottie grabbed her friend’s arm. “You better not be fucking with me, Francesca.”

“I would never. Well, not about something as serious as this.” Worry replaced the anger in her gaze, and for once the confident, self-assured Frankie looked unsure of herself. “Just fair warning that it’s a bit… unconventional.”

“And I’m a bit desperate. What’s the deal?”

“Okay, so, you remember how I said that guy from the other night took me to a club?”

“Yeah. The sex club.”

Frankie rolled her eyes. “I didn’t see anybody actually having sex. But yes, the kink club. Well, it took forever for them to process my guest pass, and when my… fuck it, I’ll just call him Daddy. When Daddy asked what was taking so long, the girl at the front desk told us there was a new process. Apparently, the owner of the club has started reviewing all of the guest passes at the club before anyone can get in.”

Impatience nearly had her shaking Frankie to get the information out of her. “Okay. What does that have to do with me?”

“Patience, grasshopper. Anyway, Daddy asked why, and the girl said she didn’t know. But another girl, who had apparently been eavesdropping, came over and told us she’d heard a rumor about some auction happening at the club.”

“Auction? What kind of auction?” But even as she asked the question, part of her knew the answer. What other kind of auction would a kink club be hosting?

“A sex auction,” Frankie said, confirming Lottie’s thoughts. “Nobody could really give us any details, but the girl who was eavesdropping said one of her friends was getting like fifty grand a pop to provide her ‘services’ as a Domme.”

“Good for her. But why the hell are you telling me this? I don’t know anything about that stuff.”

“Would you just be patient? Anyway, the girl at the front desk piped up and said she’d heard about the auction too, and—here’s where you come in—she said how she wished she hadn’t had her cherry popped already, because some girl got paid like four hundred thousand for hers.”

For a long moment, all Lottie could do was stare at her friend. “Someone paid almost half a million dollars to take some random girl’s virginity?”

“That’s what they said. Obviously, I don’t know if it’s true, but I figured it might be worth a shot.”

“I don’t know, Frankie. Doesn’t that seem kind of… crass? Letting someone buy my virginity?”

“Maybe.” Frankie shrugged, far too nonchalant for the topic of conversation as far as Lottie as concerned. “But it’s not like you’ve been saving yourself for marriage or anything. So would you rather give it up for free, or get some use out of an otherwise useless social construct?”

“True…” The only reason she was still a virgin was because she couldn’t stand the immaturity of boys her own age, and the older men they occasionally ran into at the clubs creeped her out. It was her own pickiness that had kept her virginity intact, so it wasn’t like she would be giving anything up, really, if she auctioned it off.

That didn’t mean a part of her didn’t grieve the thought of giving it up to a complete stranger instead of someone she loved, or at least someone she’d known more than thirty seconds.

Apparently sensing her hesitation, Frankie reached out and squeezed Lottie’s hand. “Look, how about this. Daddy’s taking me to the club again tomorrow night. I’ll ask around, see if I can get you the information for the auction. You don’t actually have to sign up, but it can’t hurt to have it as an option, right?”

“Maybe.” Lottie sighed and rubbed at her temples. “I mean yes. Yes, get me as much information as you can, and I’ll think about it. In the meantime, I guess I should start applying for jobs.”

“Do you want me to talk to my dad? He always wanted me to come work for him, and you’re basically part of the family. I’m sure he’d be happy to take you on.”

“Really? That would be amazing.” Throwing her arms around Frankie’s neck, Lottie squeezed. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” Frankie returned the hug, and for the first time since she’d learned about her crumbling fortune, Lottie felt like she could breathe again. “Don’t worry, honey. One way or another, we’ll get you out of this mess. I promise.”



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