Page 111 of Redeeming 6

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“I said that Kav was a serious thinker.” Gibsie chuckled, holding up his hands. “Me? I’m spontaneous as fuck, lad.”

“You’re a strange one,” I said, and then once again had to ward him off with the spatula. “Would ya step back?”


“I don’t fucking like people breathing down my neck.”

“I wasn’t breathing down your neck,” he replied. “I was admiring your cooking skills.”

“Well, admire from a distance,” I said. “At least three feet would be preferable.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “Are you heading back into Ballylaggin town after eating?”

“I live in town,” I deadpanned. “So, that’s the plan.”

“Could I bum a lift?”

“Where to?”

“Biddies. I left my car there last night.”

“Yeah, grand.”

“Good man yourself,” he replied, hovering again. “And that bacon smells fucking excellent.” He leaned in over my shoulder to sniff the pan. “Jesus, I’m starving.”

“You’re doing it again,” I bit out, roughly shrugging him off. “Don’t fucking touch me, lad. I won’t tell you again.”

“What?” he huffed out defensively. “I can’t help it if I’m friendly.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“Not what?”


“Ah, I don’t know about that.” He laughed. “Given a bit of time to get to know each other, I think we could be the best of friends.”

“That will never happen,” I warned, glaring at him. “You’re a mad, posh bastard, with a personality that, quite frankly, unsettles the fuck out of me.” Switching off the stove, I grabbed two plates laden down with food, walked over to the nearby island, and set them down. “Meanwhile, I’m a short-tempered asshole, with neither the patience nor the temperament to handle a person such as yourself in my life.”

“Well, I think you’re wrong,” Gibsie replied, handing me a fork and taking up position on the stool next to mine. “I think we could love each other.”

I gaped at him. “You’re a freak.”

“Oh, relax.” He chuckled. “I meant like brothers.”

“I already have four,” I said flatly. “Don’t need any more.”

“See?” He chuckled, tearing a rasher in half and stuffing it into his mouth. “You’re already opening up to me about your family. We’re bonding.”

“We aren’t bonding,” I argued, stabbing my fried egg with my fork. “We will never bond.”

Thankfully, Kav returned to the kitchen then, and what do you know, he had my little sister in tow.

“Hey, it’s little Shannon. Did Johnny manage to coax you inside, or was it the smell of my fucking amazing cooking that drew you in?” Gibsie joked.

“It’s raining,” Shannon mumbled, sidling exceptionally close to a fella she considered to only be a friend.

As I bantered back and forth with the strange one, I watched as Kavanagh fussed over my sister, and I had to admit that he was the first person I had ever seen put a genuine smile on her face.
