Page 268 of Redeeming 6

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I’d been helpless.

Fucking useless.

I hadn’t done shit to protect her.

I’d let her down.


And then Molloy’s face flashed like a neon sign in the forefront of my mind. The guilt and pain I felt when I thought about her swamped everything else. The darkness I always felt on the inside was nothing compared to the eternal pit of night I found myself in.

I wanted out.

I needed out.

I couldn’t take this anymore.

“Can I help?” Kavanagh’s voice broke through my panicked thoughts. “Can I do something for you?”

“Yeah, you can loan me some clothes.” I needed to get the fuck out of this place. Holding onto the nearby sink, I forced myself to get back on my feet.

Without another word, Kavanagh walked out of the bathroom, returning a few moments later to toss a bundle of clothes through the door. Feeling light-headed, I scrambled for them and quickly dragged on a pair of gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt over my head. His clothes swamped me, but I didn’t give a damn.

I was so fucking cold.

It was in my bones.

Shivering, I stepped out of the bathroom and into a bedroom that could have housed the entire first floor of my house. “Thanks for the clothes,” I managed to get out coherently before asking, “Do you have a phone I could use?”

I could hear the hesitance in his voice when he asked, “Why?”

“Because I need to call my girlfriend.”

Disbelief flickered in his eyes. “Your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, my girlfriend,” I bit out, resisting the urge to lose my shit on him when he had done me a solid. “Can I use your phone or not?”

“You don’t have to leave,” Kavanagh said, placing a sleek phone in my hands. “You can stay, lad. For as long as you need.”

No, I couldn’t.

I had to get out of here.

My father was still out there.

And Molloy?

Jesus Christ, I’d checked out on her.

“Come the fuck on,” I hissed when my hands wouldn’t cooperate. My fingers wouldn’t push the damn buttons.

“What’s her number?” he asked, snatching the phone back. “Call it out and I’ll dial it for you.”

Blowing out a pained breath, I forced myself to take a good hard look at the towering lad standing in front of me. I didn’t trust him, but Shannon clearly did, which made me curious. It made me second-guess my instincts.

Johnny Kavanagh was standing here, in the middle of all of my family’s bullshit, and he wasn’t running. Something about him reminded me of Molloy and I frowned.

“I warned her off you, ya know,” I heard myself say, brow furrowed as my vision blurred in and out. “Told her you’d be leaving.” Wincing from the pain attacking my skull, I shook my head and refocused my attention on him. “Told her not to get her hopes up on you.”
