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Tears filled her eyes. “Oh, baby.”

“Don’t,” he whispered, shaking his head. “It didn’t happen to me.”

“I know,” Aoife choked out, reaching for his hand. “I just… It’s awful.”

“Anyway, when Mam’s health improved, she went to court and managed to get us back,” Joey quickly hurried on. “It all came out in court about what happened in that care home, and because she’d voluntarily given us up because of ‘health problems’, she was somehow awarded custody again.” Joey stared down at their joined hands for a long moment before continuing. “Darren was never the same again, and neither was our father.”

Sighing wearily, he added, “He actually wasn’t too bad a guy before that. But after it all came out about Darren, the old man lost his fucking mind. He couldn’t get over it and turned to the drink. Got this ridiculous fucking notion into his head that what happened to Darren had somehow turned him.”

Joey shook his head and released a frustrated breath. “Had he paid an ounce of fucking attention to us growing up, he would have known better.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Aoife whispered, gaze flickering from me to Joey.

“It’s not right what happens in this house but it’s better than what’s out there in some of those homes,” Joey stated. “There’s no fucking way I’m letting my sister and brothers go into care, babe. No goddamn way. At least when they’re here, they’re all in one place, and I can keep them somewhat safe.”

“Do you guys have someone you can call?” Aoife asked, eyes laced with concern. “A relative or a family friend?”

“Nanny is eighty-one,” I whispered, wiping my tears away. “She’s too old and fragile to—”

“Myself and Shannon have each other,” Joey interrupted, gesturing a finger between us. “That’s it.”

“Not anymore,” Aoife told my brother. “You have me.” Reaching across the table, she covered his hand with hers and smiled weakly. “All of you.”

Joey’s shoulders visibly sagged as he snatched her hand up and pressed his lips to her knuckles.

“Christ, I love you,” he told her, voice low and gruff.

I turned away because it was too hard to watch.

I loved Aoife Molloy. I truly loved the girl as a sister.

But I also resented her.

Because I knew exactly how appealing unconditional love, affection, and security was to someone like Joey.

It was the same for me.

And because I knew in my heart and soul exactly how this would pan out.

From her, Joey was receiving a form of love he’d been denied his whole life. And if that girl jumped, he would jump right along with her.

I wouldn’t blame him. Given the chance, I would jump, too.

But knowing that his time in this house was coming to an end made it hard for me to breathe.

I could feel it coming down the tracks like a freight train.

Our father would be back. He always came back. And I honestly couldn’t see my brother sticking around once he did.

He’d taken eighteen years of beatings and abuse. I wasn’t sure he could take much more.

“Okay!” Aoife clapped her hands together and stood up. Sniffling, she wiped the tears from her cheeks away and forced a bright smile. “I am starving and I know you both must be, too. So, I am going to make a food run to the chipper and it will be my treat.”

Joey shook his head. “Aoife, I told you—”

“My treat, babe,” she interrupted, giving my brother a hard look. “Now, are you coming with me?”

“Yeah, I’ll come,” Joey muttered, climbing to his feet. “You’re not driving around the town in the middle of the night by yourself.”
