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“I don’t know what to make of it, really?”

He frowned, waiting for an explanation.

I shifted uncomfortably before saying, “‘Fuck Her Gently’?”

Johnny gaped at me. “What?”

“Track nine on the CD?” I shrugged. “It was ‘Fuck Her Gently’ by Tenacious D.”


“No, that’s Blink 182 and that was track four,” I replied.

“Fuck it.”

“No,” I corrected, “‘Fuck It’ by Eamon was track ten.”

“What—no!” Johnny shook his head and groaned. “Jesus, what else was on it?”

I thought about it for a moment before saying, “‘Pretty Fly for a White Guy,’ ‘The Ballad of Chasey Lain,’ um, ‘Stacy’s Mom,’ ‘The Bad Touch,’ ‘Pony,’ and a few others that I can’t remember.”

Johnny groaned again. “I gave you the wrong CD.”

“You did?”

He nodded slowly. “That was Gibsie’s.”

“What one did you mean to give me?”

Johnny had a pinched expression when he said, “A Maroon 5 song.”

“Oh?” I looked up at him. “Which one?”

He shifted in discomfort. “‘She Will Be Loved.’”


Oh wow.

When I didn’t respond, because quite frankly I couldn’t, Johnny asked me a few more random questions, clearly trying to spark up conversation.

When all I gave him in return was a couple of one-word responses, he settled back in his seat with his arm brushing against mine and pulled his iPod back out. He fiddled with the buttons on the fancy-looking screen, flicking through song after song until finally settling on John Mayer’s “Daughters.”

“Just ask if you want to use my phone again, okay?” he offered before slipping the headphones over his ears. “Or need anything else.”

He blasted the volume on his iPod so loudly then that I didn’t need to take out my Discman for entertainment, not when I could clearly hear every word from my seat.

Grateful for the reprieve from his intensity, I blew out a shaky breath and tried to get a handle on my nerves.

It wasn’t easy, though. Not with the root of all my anxiety sitting next to me. And the words of that song tormenting me.

If only he knew how true those lyrics were, I thought to myself. If only…

58Where’s My Head at?


I just asked her about her period.
