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“Besides, I’m not really into being the third wheel with those two,” Claire added, setting her spoon into her lunch box. “So, what do you say? Mam will pick us up and drop you home whenever you want to go.” She leaned back in her chair and flashed me a megawatt smile. “Or you could always sleep over?”

My stomach did a little flip. “Are you sure your mam won’t mind?”

“Shannon, of course she won’t mind,” Claire replied, giving me a strange look. “My mam and dad both love you.” Smiling, she added, “Mam is constantly on my case asking when you’re coming over again.”

A warm sensation flooded me.

Mrs. Biggs nursed in the intensive care unit in the hospital in Cork city, and she was one of the nicest ladies I had ever met.

Claire was a lot like her mother, with a sweet nature and a kind heart.

When we were little and Claire and Lizzie were having a birthday party or a playdate, Mrs. Biggs always made it her business to come pick me up.

I was even invited to Claire’s older brother’s birthday parties, and although I never attended Hughie’s parties, I appreciated the invite.

They were the only invites I got growing up.

“I’d love to, but I’ll have to check with my parents,” I told her and then proceeded to pull out my phone and text my brother to scope out the mood at home.

“It’ll be great,” Claire encouraged happily. “There’s a tub of Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer and I got the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie on DVD.” Waggling her brows, she added, “Johnny and Orlando, what girl can say no to that?”

“Not you,” I laughed. Claire was obsessed with Johnny Depp.

He was her wallpaper on her phone, and his face was plastered all over her bedroom walls.

“I love him,” she announced with a dreamy sigh. “I do. It’s real, hard-core love, and one day he’ll come to Ireland, see me, and instantly reciprocate my feelings. And then we’ll run away together and create adorable hybrid pirate babies.”

“That sounds like a plan,” I snickered. “Although, you do realize he’s not an actual pirate, don’t you?”

“Shh!” Claire chuckled. “Don’t take that away from me. Let me enjoy the visual.”

My phone vibrated in my hand then with a text from Joey.

Bad idea, Shan. He’s on the warpath.

Dejected, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and released a heavy sigh. “I can’t come over.”

“Your dad?” she asked sadly.

I nodded.

Claire looked as disappointed as I felt but she didn’t push it.

Deep down, I think she knew. I never verbalized it and she never pushed. That’s why I loved her.

“Another time then.” Claire offered me a huge smile that almost masked the concern in her brown eyes.


“We’ll plan it better next time, give you some notice,” she quickly carried on, tucking her long blond hair behind her ears. “But our Johnny and Orlando session is definitely happening!”

“How’s it going, Claire-Bear?” a deep male voice asked, distracting us both.

“Oh, hey, Gerard,” Claire acknowledged in a nonchalant tone as she looked up at the ginormous blond boy standing at the end of our table. “How are you?”

“Better now I’m talking to you,” he purred as he walked over and propped his ass on the table, keeping his huge back to me and his attention locked on my friend. “You’re looking as lovely as always.”

Claire’s gaze darted from his face to mine and she gave me a WTF eye bulge before quickly sobering her features and saying, “Didn’t I hear you spin that same line to Megan Crean on Wednesday?”
