Page 143 of Taming 7

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“But you didn’t?”

“Hell no!” I narrowed my eyes. “I tried to warn her years ago, but she wouldn’t hear a word of it.”

“But you and Lizzie used to be friends before this?”

“Yep,” I replied with a nod. “We all were—although she tried her best to turn everyone against me after it happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“Claire, Feely and Hugh,” I bit out. “She wanted them to choose.”

“Between you and her?”


“But they refused?”

“Yeah.” Another nod. “And I’m fairly sure that’s a lot of the reason why Hugh and Liz barely speak anymore.”

“Shite.” Johnny was quiet for a long time before asking, “Do you think he did it, Gibs?”



With my heart bucking wildly in my chest, I nodded stiffly.

“Jesus,” my best friend whispered, rubbing his jaw. “And now he’s back in town?”


“For two whole months.”

“You got it in one.”

“What a clusterfuck.”


“Well, you’re always welcome to crash here,” Johnny said before throwing off the covers and climbing out of bed.

“Cheers, Cap,” I replied, settling back down in his supersized bed. “Legend.”

“Anytime, lad.” Grabbing his phone off the nightstand, he glanced briefly at the screen before stretching. “Right, come on. It’s only half six. We can get a run in before school.”

“Are you mental?”

“The only thing I plan on doing before school is sleeping—and maybe having a few of your mam’s pancakes if they’re on offer.”

“Get up.”

“Hard pass.”

“Come on, Gibs, we have a match today.”

“Exactly. I need all the rest I can get.”

