Page 148 of One Rich Revenge

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I throw my head back and move in earnest over him. My nails are digging into his shoulders, and my body is shaking.

I open my eyes to see Jonah watching me. His face twists in pleasure, his mouth opening on a breath.

“Jonah, I’m going to—”

“Tell me you love me,” he says fiercely.

“I love you,” I sob as I tighten around him, the orgasm spreading through me like bottled happiness. The words undo him, and he bucks up into me in sloppy thrusts.

“I love you,” he says as he jerks inside me. “I love you.”

“I’ll never let you go,” I say.

“Good,” he responds, his breaths heaving, a small smile on his lips. “Good.”




“I am not scared of babies,” I say, before taking a healthy sip of my martini and glaring at Lane.

She’s tucked against Miles because they can’t stop fucking touching each other, and she’s giving me shit from across the table at Kings’ Cove.

“You sure?” Lane gives me a dubious look. “You seem a little off.”

“He’s very nervous about tomorrow,” Callie points out. “Isn’t that your second martini? You don’t even like martinis.”

I grunt and take another sip. “They get me drunk faster.” And with Mia being induced tomorrow, and Christine freaking out, I’m all nervous sweat and anticipation. I’m not scared of babies, I’m fucking terrified. I watched a bunch of videos with Callie and instead of making things better, they made it worse. He’s going to be small and so very breakable. Christine will want me to hold him and befriend him, and what the fuck do you even say to a baby? I’m sure as hell not using that dumb baby voice everyone adopts.

“Pleasant as always, Jonah,” Lane says, and makes a face.

“Only for you, Lane,” I retort.

Callie slants me a secret smile, and I raise my eyebrows in response.

I know what that look she’s giving me means. Never change. I like you the way you are. She tells me often enough.

I wag my brows. Want to go home and I can show you just how much I like you too?

She quickly looks away, and I smother a laugh.

A heavy tread on the polished wood floor has me turning in my seat. It takes me a second to register our visitor, because I haven’t seen him in months.


Our youngest co-founder smiles at me and comes to stand at the head of the table. He’s dressed like typical Theo—all black. With his height and the broadness of his shoulders, he looks like a pro athlete, not a businessman.

“Miss me?”

Miles blinks away his surprise and stands for a hug. Because Miles is, at his heart, a hugger.

“Theo, this is Callie Thompson.” Callie shakes Theo’s hand and looks at me with inquisitive eyes.

“So this is the guy you were referring to in the comments section that day?”

I groan. “Can we please not talk about that?”
