Page 80 of One Rich Revenge

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This is why I don’t kiss. That's the first thought that flashes through my head. And then, she tastes so good. My mind goes blank at the feel of her plush bottom lip moving over my own. Callie doesn’t just accept the kiss, no, she kisses me back. And it’s everything.

I am unmade and remade when her lips part. My breath stutters in my chest at the first touch of her tongue against mine. My hand comes up to cradle her jaw, and hers presses over my heart. I pull her bottom lip between my teeth and she makes a needy little sound.

“Callie,” I groan softly.

“Jonah,” she whispers back.

I try to breathe in my name on her lips like it’s air. I suck on her tongue and that needy sounds turns to a harsh gasp. I want her to do it again, so I angle her head and I kiss her like she’s my last meal and I’m a dying man. I gather her close with a hand on her hip, and she melts against me. I’m a thousand feet tall. The mayor of New York. The king of the world.

I need more. More of her and the delicious way she tastes. More of her little sounds. This is everything. Need heats my blood. We should go back to my apartment. She’d say yes, and fuck, it would be so good. I need to get these clothes—

“Get a room,” someone shouts and we both jerk back. Callie starts laughing and presses a hand to her mouth.

“Oops.” She squeezes her eyes shut and scrunches up her nose. “We got a little carried away, didn’t we?” She smiles sheepishly up at me, her lips a little swollen.

I brush my thumb over the bottom one, and her eyes go heavy-lidded. “I didn’t want to stop,” I murmur. I don’t want to bring up the fight or our promises that we’d stay away from each other. I had enough of that torture for the last week.

“Me neither.” Her lips are curved, and her eyes are sparkling. I did that. “But this is the middle of Madison Square Park, and you did promise me the whole night, so don’t think a hot kiss is going to get you out of this.”

“So you thought it was hot?”

She laughs and starts walking down the path. “Totally hot.”

I shove my hands into my pockets to keep from grabbing her. My blood is pumping thick and warm through me, heading straight for my groin, where one part of my body definitely agrees with her. “What specifically about it was hot?”

“Oh no, stop.” She won’t look at me, but she’s smiling.

“Glad to know we’re not making this awkward,” I say blandly.

“Because what about making out with your hot boss in the park could be awkward?” She smacks a hand over her mouth, but I still hear, “I’m going to stop talking now.”

“Tell me more, Thompson.”

“I thought you weren’t going to call me that,” she grumbles.

“After seeing what happens when I call you Callie, I think I should use it judiciously.”

“Please stop talking.”

“I like making you blush.” And I do. I’ve forgotten what it was like to flirt, or maybe I never figured out how. But all I know is I want more of Callie’s smiles, her laughs, her red cheeks. I want it all.



Jonah and I seem to have an unspoken agreement that we’re not going to make this weird. Maybe on Monday, but tonight, a very public kiss with my very hot boss is par for the course. The burger stand in the park is hopping with people at this hour, and we wait for twenty minutes before we finally sit.

Jonah has at least twice as much food as I do. A huge burger, double fries, and a milkshake. I eye it with suspicion, because I’m not sure where he’s going to put all those calories.

“Keep your eyes on your own food,” he says, with an arched brow.

“I’m just surprised.” I swallow a bite of burger. “I guess I always pegged you for a fancy salad guy, or maybe one of those people who drinks only protein shakes.”

He grimaces. “I like food.”

“The diner, the deli, now this. You’re just a regular guy.”

He grunts but doesn’t look at me.
