Page 32 of Office Mate

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She reached around my waist and her hands grazed my erection. “What was that?”

I shuddered and cursed about thirty times in my head. “I just need a minute or maybe ninety, we know my math is completely horrible without a calculator, long division, multiplication, take geometry for example—“

“—Are you just rambling off math terms to get yourself to calm down right now and not poke a hole through the ceiling?”

“Algebra.” He continued. “Useful if you’re an architect, or wait, was that geometry?”

“It’s a kiss.” She interrupted, letting me go, and then slowly moving around my body and ducking under my hand until her back was against the wall. “I didn’t hold you long, so technically, it’s a kiss, wasn’t that your rule?”

I gaped. “I should stop talking around you.”

She gripped me again and let go. “So then, that would be twenty-five now, right?”

“Did we not just have a conversation about the usages, is that even the right word? Of math? For math, shit Bri, I don’t even remember what college I went to right now.”

She nodded. “I mean, does it really matter?”

She was so close to me, her arms snaked around my waist.

I let out a groan and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Twenty-four.”

She kissed my cheek. “Twenty-Three.”

I brought my mouth to her neck. “Twenty-Two.”

“A promise is a promise.” She breathed, sucking on my chin and kissing up to my mouth. “Twenty.”

“Nineteen.” She grabbed my hand and popped my fingers into her mouth. “Eighteen. seventeen. sixteen…” Death, actual death by sucking.

I jerked her hand away and grabbed her nipple between my teeth and went for the other. “Fifteen, fourteen.”

She let out a gasp. “That should count as double.”

“No cheating.” I tugged her bottom lip with my teeth. “Thirteen.”

She gripped my hair with her hands and kissed one eye, then the other. “Twelve, eleven.”

“Ten.” Our mouths met and broke apart.

“Nine,” we said in unison.

“Eight.” I kissed the corner of her mouth on the right.

She kissed the corner of mine. “Seven.”

“Six.” I kissed her on each temple. “Five.”

“Four. Three.” She mimicked my movements.

“Two.” I kissed her briefly on the mouth and pulled away.

Her eyes didn’t close. She stared at me as water poured over our bodies. “One.”

Our mouths fused. It was right. The way we moved against each other, the way our lips were both slippery while our hands were firmly holding onto one another.

Her fingers held onto my hair, her nails digging into my scalp, while I gripped her ass with my hands.

Her tongue flicked mine, her mouth was warm, it tasted like wine and memories I used to want to forget, but that’s the thing about memories, they have no choice but to take up space in your brain and no matter how many times you try to lock them away—they’re always fighting to break free because memories make you who you are, they’re the cuts, scabs, wins, losses, they’re the journey so to punish them for making you who you are, was one of the cruelest things you could possibly do.
