Page 39 of Office Mate

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“HR, HR!” Max yelled.

I waved him off and kept sliding down the table, it tilted once we got to the end. I was barely able to stop us with my foot against the ledge; we had about a three-foot jump to the final obstacle before swinging to the end.

A loud crack sounded and down came Dustin from the ceiling he was dressed in a grey suit with a fake mustache on his face, no glasses, and had a name tag that said, “Boss.”


Bri shrieked when he reached for us and said in a bored tone, “I’m going to write you up for, for… for—“ He kept spinning and then the rope managed to get tangled around his arm and neck. “—Max!”

He looked like half a chicken.

“Huh.” Bri took my hand. “Poor Dustin. I hope he gets bonuses for doing this.”

“He does not.” Dustin looked defeated. “But…” He added with a smile. “…he did buy me a brand new Bugatti last year.”

“That’s what a bonus is.” Bri explained.

Dustin shook his head. “It said Just Dust—in on the license plate.”

“Hang in there.” I joked.

Bri cackled out a laugh while Dustin glared at us. “Just go!”

I jumped first and waited for Bri, she almost didn’t make it, but I caught her hand and heaved her up. We were running out of time. She grabbed the rope. “On three I’ll push, then jump.”


“One. Two. Three.” I pushed her toward the platform, she jumped, her foot sank into the water but she managed to crawl up.

I had no time to think, I took the biggest start I could get without falling off the platform and swung toward her.

Her eyes were big.

Huge actually, waiting in anticipation.

I would not lose this for her.

I landed on the platform but started falling backward. She reached for my shirt and tugged me, then kissed me.

We’d made it.

But we had no clue if we won.

So we waited, covered in sweat.

We didn’t have to wait long, by the time the other office mates made it to Dustin, he’d untangled himself and fired them—aka managed to get them so stressed out they both slipped and fell off the conference table.

“Huh, that was wildly uplifting for me.”

Max laughed. “Told you.” He nodded toward us. “Our winners are the newly minted couple, Bri and Ace.” He turned toward the other employees who were watching from the windows. “And for your participation, you’ll all get a ten-thousand-dollar bonus, see you Monday.” He turned to us. “And you two, follow me.”

I should have known he would go all out and have a giant check the size of a car waiting. He wrote in Bri’s name and then handed me a smaller check with a fifty-thousand-dollar bonus.

I wasn’t complaining.

“Everything”—he nodded to Bri—“will be on your next paycheck since I really just wanted to write a giant one, and Ace, that check is actually real.”

No. Shit.
