Page 35 of Hott Take

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“Because I didn’t want to be all awkward and fangirl-y.”

My whole chest is a big, warm awwwwwww, but I just say, quietly, “Thank you.”

“Any time.” She hands me the overalls. “We all love the show. But no one needs someone fawning over them.”

“No,” I agree. “No one does.”

I meet my sister’s eyes, and she smiles at me, as if to say, See? There are a lot of good people out there.

Nia’s right, and I need to give the adults of Rush Creek as much credit as I’ve given their kids.

I hold up the overalls. I hate to admit it, but they’re perfect. They’re soft and distressed, generously torn in places.

“Let’s see them on you,” Sonya says.

I duck into the small bath and tug the top on. It fits perfectly, thanks to Nia’s sizing efforts. Then I slip into the overalls. With the top, they’re the same smoking-hot combination of innocent and earthy that got Oriana and me in trouble to begin with.

I step out of the bathroom. “I don’t know.”

“Oh my God, yes!” Sonya cries.

Nia nods decisively. “Definitely. You look really hot. Can I have that whole outfit when you’re done with it?”

We all laugh.

Nia steps closer, unfastening one strap of my overalls, letting it dangle. I try to refasten it, but Sonya says, “Leave it.”

Bella trots back into the kitchen, looking pleased with herself. “Mission accomplished,” she says, grinning. “This is fun. Can we move to LA and costume movie stars all the time?”

An idea hits me. “You could stay right here in Rush Creek and help out Nia and me with costuming at the theater. And hair and makeup, if you’re interested.”

“I would love that!” she says, beaming.

“That sounds like so much fun,” Sonya says. “If I’d known you needed volunteers, I would have been there in a heartbeat.”

“Me three,” Reggie pipes up.

“Oh, we can always use volunteers,” I say. “But we also have a small stipend for it!”

Sonya waves that away. “Save it for something else. I’d do this for fun any time.”

She pulls up a photo on her phone screen and hands it to Reggie. “Hair like this,” she says.

The other woman studies the screen and nods. “You got it, boss.”

She works on my hair while Sonya fusses over my face. Just as they finish up, Shane calls down from upstairs.

“You ready for me?”

Something in my chest squeezes at the sound of his voice. I’m definitely not ready for the force of nature that is Shane Hott.

“Yup,” Sonya calls back. She hustles me into the bathroom so I can look at myself in the mirror.

Oriana looks back at me. Glowing porcelain skin, pink cheeks, red lips, bun just-out-of-bed chic. Breasts barely contained by the little top, overalls unfastened like I’m two seconds from getting boned in the engine room.

There are footfalls on the stairs. I step out of the bathroom and feast my eyes on the sight confronting me.

A fae lord—towering, gorgeous, bare-chested, and winged—steps into my kitchen. His shoulders barely clear the doorway. His hair is long and thick, swept back from his face, tucked behind pointed ears. A jeweled crown sits low on his head. His mouth is wide, lush, and a deep red. His lashes are long and thick, his eyes slightly uptilted, cat-like.
