Page 40 of Shadowed Desires

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At this moment, I understand what she needs from me—not just physical comfort, but an assurance of safety and belonging. I'm more than willing to give this gift, and I vow to be a sanctuary for her.

"All right, baby girl," I reply, my voice soft yet firm, a promise in every syllable. "Take it all, for I am yours." In this quiet corner of the world, under the blanket of night, I offer myself to her completely, ready to be her solace, strength, and safe haven.

Every inch of my skin ignites in response to Pia's soft, sensual kisses trailing down my chest. My fingers eagerly slide under the fabric of her nightgown, feeling the immediate reaction of her nipples hardening against my touch, sending a surge of pleasure through us both.

"Marco," she gasps, her head falling back and exposing the delicate curve of her neck. I can't resist the urge to gently knead her swollen breasts, eliciting a pleasured moan from her lips.

With care, I pull the nightgown over her head, revealing her body bathed in moonlight. She stands before me, a breathtaking silhouette that takes my breath away. Drawing her closer, I marvel at her beauty as I cup her breasts in my hands and begin to kiss and suck on them with tender devotion.

Pia releases a long, decadent sigh as she moves her hips back and forth over me, her body pressing tightly against mine. I can feel every curve and contour of her igniting a fierce desire within me. My erection strains against my slacks, desperate for release.

"Fuck," I groan, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through me. With one hand, I continue to play with her breasts, teasing and caressing them with gentle finesse. The other hand slowly approaches the hardened scars on her back, tracing the edges with careful reverence. As my fingers linger over each mark, I am flooded with gratitude that the man responsible for her pain—that bastard Gerald—is finally dead.

Pia's fingers dance across my skin, nimble and skilled as they work to remove my pants and boxers. With a soft sigh, she slides down, her perfect breasts gliding along my body until she's kneeling on the grass between my legs. Her eyes lock with mine as her tongue darts out to lick the glistening precum from my erection. A deep groan escapes my lips as I lean back, allowing myself to fully feel the pleasure coursing through me.

Her mouth moves like a pro, licking, sliding, and sucking in a tantalizing rhythm that has me completely under her spell. I can feel every pulse of desire building within me as her head bobs up and down on my dick. Just when I think I can't take any more, she pulls away and climbs on top of me again. This time, she takes me inside her warm, tight walls as I fight back the urge to unravel. Stay calm and steady, I remind myself as she moves against me with expert precision.

My girl's hands grip my thighs as she slowly rides me, her eyes tightly shut in bliss. I can see the sheer pleasure etched across her delicate features, her lips parted in a silent moan. With each movement, her chest rises and falls rapidly, her breaths ragged and heavy. Her hips move with urgency, lost in a heightened state of ecstasy.

My voice comes out huskily, filled with desire, as I whisper, "That's it. Feel me inside your tight, beautiful pussy." In response, she lets out a sensual moan, and her hips begin to move in a tantalizing dance over me, tightening her walls and teasing me to the brink of release. With a deep growl, my fingers find the delicate bulb between her legs, and I slide them into the folds, tracing gentle circles as I explore her wetness. "You're so wet for me," I say breathlessly, reveling in the sight of her body writhing above me.

"Mmhmm," she responds with a quiet affirmation, her eyes still closed as she continues to work her magic on top of me.

With a deepening intensity, I surge forward and apply more pressure to her already sensitive body. "Marco!" she gasps, her voice pleading for more.

I am too happy to oblige, giving my girl precisely what she desires. Her body responds eagerly, unraveling under my skilled touch as her movements grow faster and more urgent. In perfect sync, we thrust towards each other, reaching the pinnacle of our ecstasy under the sparkling glow of the moonlit sky. The stars shine brighter as our bodies entwine in a passionate embrace, lost in the throes of our shared pleasure.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Waking up alone in bed, the tranquility of last night under the moonlight lingers with me as I yawn, feeling surprisingly rested. But as I blink the sleep from my eyes, the previous day's events come crashing back, bringing tears that I quickly brush away. I push myself out of bed, determined to face the day, my mind already on the somber tasks ahead.

After a quick shower, I put on a simple black sheath dress, pulling my hair back into an elegant chignon. I add the final touches with matching pearl earrings and a delicate necklace. I took a moment to study my reflection. Looking back at me, the woman I see is changed, matured by grief and resolve. Today, I must be strong.

Greeting Xavier and Ron, stationed outside like sentinels, I inquire about Marco. Xavier informs me that Don Marco and his brothers are at the funeral home and will stop by the office afterward. He mentions that Marco left instructions for me to call him as soon as I am awake.

Dialing Marco's number, I navigate the stairs. "Hello, mahal, where are you?" I ask, trying to mask the heaviness in my heart.

Marco sighs heavily through the phone. "I'm shouldering the responsibilities with you. The toughest parts. Don't worry; I've got everything arranged."

"And what exactly have you arranged?" I probe, seeking clarity amid my swirling thoughts.

Marco's voice is steady, calm in my storm. "I've taken care of all the funeral arrangements. There will be a viewing for your father as soon as his body is ready. Gerald's will be a closed casket, unless you wish to see him. Both will be transported to Batangas, to be buried with the Mendozas. But there's one thing I need to know." He pauses. "Do you want your father buried with your mother?"

The question halts me halfway down the stairs. I stare out the window, lost in thought. "I don't think that's prudent, considering she was the mistress," I whisper back, the words barely making it past my lips.

Marco's following words shock me to my core. "That's not true, Pia. Gerald's mom was the mistress. Your father was happily married to your mom. It was Gerald's mom who coerced your father during a vulnerable time. When your mother became pregnant, it was a difficult pregnancy, made worse by Gerald's mom's harassment. Sadly, your mother didn't survive your birth, but you did. Out of loneliness and responsibility, your father moved Gerald and his mom in. He never married her; she has no claim to anything. Everything was legally secured by your father."

Sitting at the bottom of the stairs, I'm overwhelmed by this tidal wave of revelations. "I had no idea," I finally manage to say, my voice trembling. "Let me think about the question regarding burying him with my mom. As you can imagine, it's just so much so quickly."

The emotional toll of everything—the loss, the harsh truths unveiled, the pending decisions—presses down on me like a heavy boulder. I feel it bearing down on my chest, constricting my breath as I struggle to process it all. The reality of my family's complex web of secrets and lies unravels before me, each strand pulling at my heartstrings. The tears I had been forcing back now erupt like a violent wave, breaking through the fragile barrier of my composure. They flow endlessly, like a raging river that cannot be controlled. They silently bear witness to the tumultuous storm raging within me. My body trembles with the overwhelming emotions, unable to contain them anymore.

Chapter Twenty-Five


"Thank you, everyone, for sticking around these extra days to help me and Don Melchor fold the Talim ng Dagat cartel into Luna Sangrienta." I express my gratitude, sweeping my gaze across the room to each family member and Don Melchor.
