Page 99 of Scared Love

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with precise shots. She truly is a force to be reckoned with. And then, I see Joseph heading towards her, gun in hand. I

don’t even think before my instincts take over and I run

towards her, knocking her away and taking the bullet

intended for her.

Pain sears through my chest as I collapse to the ground,

gasping for air. Emma’s screams echo in my ears as I try to

stay conscious. Everything becomes hazy as I see her

running over to me, trying to stop the bleeding. “Vince, no.

Please don’t leave me,” she cries, tears streaming down her

face. But I know I can’t fight this anymore. My time is up.

“I love you, Emma. Always remember that,” I whisper

before everything fades to black. But I know that even in

death, my love for her will live on forever, in this life and

the next.
