Page 173 of Sweet Collide

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Is there a future here?

I hope so.

But the truth is, we still have secrets between us.

Secrets that might ruin us.



Things have been good.

Of course, practice has been as grueling as ever, but what did I expect when we’re about to start round three of the playoffs? While in the past we’ve had a good team, we’ve never gotten this far.

But we have a shot this year.

Only a few days are left until we head to New York to play the Empires, so as much as I want to spend time with Cass, it’s been hard. Today, I asked Coach if we could have an early practice. That way, I can surprise Cassidy with a fun day together.

I never thought I’d be this guy.

The type of guy who changes my hockey schedule for a girl. I’ve always been so closed off about dating, but I realize now that I wasn’t closed off to the idea. It was rather that I had never met anyone I wanted to change for.

With Cassidy, I want to be a better man.

The thought scares the fuck out of me, but it’s true nonetheless. I want to put her needs before my own.

Be the man she deserves.

Which is why we’re currently in my car, and I’m taking her on a date. “Where are we headed?” she asks from where she’s sitting in the passenger seat.

“It’s a—”

“Surprise. Yeah. Yeah. I know.” A dramatic and playful sigh escapes her mouth.

“If you know it’s a surprise, why bother asking?” I make a turn, bringing us closer to our destination.

It’s funny how little she’s changed all these years. She didn’t like surprises then, and she doesn’t like them now.

“To be difficult, of course.” She laughs, and the sound warms me. Moments like this with her make all the bullshit better.

I continue to drive, and it’s only another five minutes before we’re pulling up to an amusement park.

It’s not a large one, only featuring a few games, a small roller coaster, and a Ferris wheel, but it’s still fun.

When I throw the car into park a moment later and look at her, I know I picked the right activity for our date.

Both of us step out of the car, and I make my way to her, grasping her hand in mine and leading us to the entrance.

Once we have the tickets in hand, we start to walk, and I point in the directions for the different activities.

“I love this.” I turn to face her, and she looks around with the bright eyes of a woman remembering the first time she ever saw the neon lights. “The way the signs glow. The vibrant colors. The sounds and the laughter. And don’t get me started on the smells. I swear I can smell the funnel cake from here.” She inhales deeply, most like inhaling the sugar-sweet smell that permeates through the air. “I love this.”

“I know.”

She furrows her brows at my words. “How?”

“Back in Michigan” —I don’t specify when, but by the way her features tighten, I know she knows I’m referring to when she was a kid— “you told me about this carnival you went to and how much you loved it. I remember you saying it was enchanting. Actually, you used the word dazzling, and it made me laugh. Well, this isn’t a carnival, but I figured it’s basically the same thing.”
