Page 198 of Sweet Collide

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The truth shall set you free, they say, and it sure the hell does.

I didn’t kill Ace. It was a horrible accident. One that could’ve been prevented if he’d kept his hands off me and hadn’t used drugs. I’m free from the binds that have held me in a place of fear all these years.

Aiden loves me, and that’s all I’ll ever need.

“I love you too.”



The past three months have been crazy.

One of my proudest moments was watching the Saints win the Stanley Cup.

It was amazing to see Aiden shine along with his teammates. They’ve all worked so hard and to see that result in something so epic was incredible.

To stand by Aiden’s side was truly one of the best moments of my life.I can imagine very few things that could top that.

The city went nuts.

There were parades and multiple celebrations in the team’s honor. Aiden was presented MVP, an award that brought him to near tears. I wept like a baby.

Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like it.Truly a moment that will live in my brain and heart for the rest of my life. I’ve never been so proud of a single person.

As for the drama we had to deal with during the playoffs, that settled too.

The nosy reporter, well, we didn’t have to worry about him for long.

When the Saints won the Cup, Billy, who had been transferred to a team in LA, turned back up running his mouth, which alerted the reporter to his scent.

Last we heard, the reporter got the big story he was after. Billy had been sexually harassing one of his new teammate’s wife. Apparently, not much had changed. Instead of harassing me, he found another woman, but this time, it finally ruined him.

Now, as the dust has settled in our lives, we’re heading back to where it all began.

Shortly after the team won their big game, Aiden’s mom passed.

It was an overdose.

I can’t say I didn’t anticipate that happening one day, but the timing was morbidly fitting. She got to watch her son shine, knowing she’d get nothing from it. All those years of her neglect and extortion are done. He gets to live the rest of his life in peace, knowing that he made the best decision of his life the day he walked away from her and that place.

I know that. Always have, but now, I have peace with it too.

Aiden’s tried to act like he isn’t affected by her death, but I know what it’s like to lose the only parent you have. Despite how horrible she was, he needs closure.

My dad’s not dead, but in a sense, he died a long time ago. Who knows where he is, or what he’s up to? The truth is, I don’t care. I know what it’s like to be alone. I managed for a long time. I’m not alone anymore. I don’t need my dad in my life. Not now, not ever. I made peace with that the day I left.

Aiden never did because his mom was like a cockroach, crawling out of the woodwork to cause problems for him at every turn. He needs closure.

Neither of us will ever be alone again.

We have each other.

And we also have Emma and the family Aiden has found with his teammates.

Found family.

People who love us despite our downfalls. People who support us without wanting a thing from either of us.

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