Page 46 of Sweet Collide

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“I’m fine. Just a little hungry.”

Not a complete lie. I could eat. I can always eat.

“We’ll grab something on the way. My car’s just over there.” He points off into the distance to where he must have parked. I’m still shocked that he offered to pick me up rather than just send a car service.

I crane my neck, trying to determine which is his. The BMW? Or something fancier. What has all this talent and money afforded him?

I’m actually kind of giddy. Why? Because despite the time that’s gone by, I’m happy for my friend. The boy who saved me on numerous occasions. The one who sat for hours with me, talking about life and our individual futures, outside the dingy trailer park.

He pulls out his keys and hits a button. There’s a beep signaling he’s unlocked the car. I look up to find a white Jeep.

I swallow, emotion coming over me like a freight train. My heart thumps rapidly in my chest, and I’m practically in a daze as I jump into the passenger seat.

“What’s wrong, Pip?” I hear Aiden’s voice from behind me, but I don’t bother to look up. Today’s been a bad day. Worse than normal, and that’s saying a lot.

When I got home from school, I found that the lights were off.

A side effect of Dad losing his latest job. Not showing up will do that.

They’re still off, but at least now I have the money to turn them back on.

A trip to the pawn shop will do that.

But it was the last piece of jewelry I had of my mom’s.

I don’t know how I’m going to survive much longer like this. What happens next month if I can’t find the money?

A tear leaks from my eye. I can’t do this. “She lied.”

“Who lied?” he asks as he moves closer to where I am.

I don’t bother to look up. Instead, I focus my attention on my hands, twisting my fingers in my shirt. “My mom.”

A few more steps echo in my brain before he sits beside me, and then my hand is in his hand. “What did she lie about?”

I shut my eyes, fresh liquid collecting behind my lids. “Mom said I was strong. That I’d be okay ...when she was—”

When I stop speaking, Aiden squeezes my hand. “Was what?”

“Gone,” I whisper, hating to say the word.

“Look at me, Pip.” At his words, I do. His arctic blue eyes peer into mine, begging me to listen. “You are strong.”

“No, I’m not. If I were strong…” I stop, a sob lodging in my throat.

His gaze continues to cling to mine. “One day, we’ll both get out of here.”

I nod at his words, hoping, praying for them to be true. “Pinky promise?”

“Pinky promise on my puck.”

We both fall quiet, and then he breaks the silence. “You know, you never talk about her.”

I look up at him, perplexed. “Who?”

A small line creeps up between his brows, and my heart rattles because I know who he’s asking about. I’m just not sure I can talk about her. It’s bad enough he already found me crying. If I open that door, I might never be able to close it.

“Your mom.” Aiden’s voice is soft like he’s treading carefully over this topic. “Tell me about her.”
