Page 91 of Sweet Collide

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The man’s eyebrows fold inward. “Is that so? I’m curious to know what you mean.”

I take a sip of my champagne. “Well… it’s not every day that players engage in arguments in the middle of play. Hell, it’s even encouraged.” I think back on the last game and how physical it got. How the crowd cheered louder when helmets hit the ice and fists started flying. “Hockey is like some sort of mix between MMA and golf.”

Aiden snorts next to me.

“Seriously, those are your comparisons?”

He’s not making fun. He’s genuinely entertained.

“I must admit, I knew little about the sport until I met Aiden. I couldn’t claim to be well-versed in any sport to be fair.” I shrug. “Those are the two it reminds me of. It’s brutal and vicious but intoxicating to watch.”

Aiden’s eyes hold mine, and a mixture of amusement and something else lingers just under the surface.

“It’s been a pleasure, Cassidy.” He holds out his hand, and I extend mine. His handshake is pleasant, not overly done like most men tonight.

He’s not trying to show dominance. This is a sign of respect.

“Thank you for humoring an old man.”

I offer a smile. “The pleasure is all mine, sir.”

He smiles back warmly. “Aiden, take care of this one. You’ve got yourself a keeper.”

“Thank you. I’ll do my best.”

The man nods before making his way over to Aiden’s coach.

Aiden whistles low. “You won him over. It’s not an easy feat.”

“What do you mean? He seemed lovely,” I say, glancing up at Aiden. Under the glow of the soft light, Aiden’s dark scruff looks almost like salt and pepper. Distinguished. Handsome as hell.

Aiden chuckles. “He doesn’t love women.”

I pull a face. “I didn’t get that impression at all.”

“It’s the truth. He finds them to be below himself. Very misogynistic.”

My eyes find the man across the room, and I notice his back is turned to the coach’s wife, effectively shutting her out of the conversation.

“Guess you never can tell a person’s true colors.”

His eyes narrow as though he finds double meaning in the words. In this particular moment, there are none. I’m truly floored to hear my radar was so far off.

“Would you like another drink? One more before we hit the road?”

“Sure,” I say, offering a small smile before he walks off, heading toward the bar, leaving me standing at a high-top table alone.

I glance around the room, taking in all the smartly dressed men and over-the-top dresses the few women wear. It’s practically a runway show full of models and actresses. They glide across the floor, backs straight, and heads held high.

I stuff down the insecurities rising to the surface. Aiden could’ve asked anyone to do this job. Why me?

Because you keep his secrets and don’t judge.

Women like this wouldn’t be all right with his quirks. They’d sell his story to the first person offering a sizable amount of money.

“Has Aiden told you your ass looks fabulous in that dress?” A smooth male voice caresses the back of my neck, but it’s not good chills that spread across my body. My hackles rise at the sound of Billy’s voice. I look over my shoulder.

“Aiden wouldn’t be so crass.”
