Page 62 of Paging Doctor Grump

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The woman nods, her eyes shining with tears. She pulls the blanket closer around her body as the first tear slips down her cheek. “I think half an hour ago. I think. I’m not sure. It feels like half an hour, but I didn’t check the time when he left.”

“That’s okay.” I keep my tone soothing as Fletcher comes over. He holds out two hand warmers. I crack them both before handing them over to the woman. “Everything is going to be okay. Half an hour gives me a place to start.”

But if he left half an hour ago, we should have come across him at some point. Unless he took a wrong turn when he was trying to get back to the clearing.

“What if he’s dead?” The woman’s words come out with a strangled breath. “We shouldn’t have let him go out there. What if he’s lost in the cold and dead?”

“He’s not dead. You guys dressed warm and we’re going to get out there and find him.”

Patrick frowns but nods. “He’s right. You guys were prepared for the weather. Everything will be alright.”

“I can go.” I pull my neck warmer back up to cover my mouth. “I know the way back to the clearing. We used most of that route for our navigation training. I can get Dustin and take him back to the wilderness center.”

Patrick jerks his head to the side, and we step away from the rest of the hikers. “It’s too dangerous. We’re nearing whiteout conditions. You could step out there and be blinded. It’s too risky.”

“I can do it. Clara and Jessie were searching near there. Chances are I’ll run into them on the way down and they can help me.” I glance over at the group of hikers before glancing back at Patrick. “We can’t let them think their friend is out there and potentially dead while we sit here with them and do nothing.”

“It’s dangerous, Brookes. I understand that you want to help, but what if something happens to you while you’re out there?”

I slide my goggles down into place. “Nothing is going to happen to me. I’m going out there to look for Dustin. When I find him, I’m going to take him back to the Barn, and everything is going to be fine.”

Patrick sighs, his clipboard of notes dropping to his side. “Take one of the sleds in case you need it. I don’t know what kind of state you’re going to find Dustin in. If at any point it becomes dangerous for you, get yourself to the Barn. You should be able to rely on your memory to get there. Take your time, but keep moving.”

“I know. I’ll keep moving. I won’t slow down, and I won’t stop. You don’t have to worry about me, Patrick. Everything is going to be fine.”

Patrick gives me a flat look but waves his hand. “Grab a sled and get going. If there’s any chance of you getting to Dustin before the weather gets worse, you need to leave now.”

I grin behind the neck warmer, and jog over to one of the sleds. Fletcher looks at me like I have three heads as I adjust the harness and step into it.

Maybe I am losing my mind. Maybe I have no business going out there right now.

I should stay in the cave where it’s safe and warm. I should help take care of the hikers.

But I meant what I said. We can’t let the hikers sit in here and worry about their friend.

At least if I’m out looking, they’ll have a little peace of mind. It will take some of the stress off them and make it easier to stabilize them.

“Good luck.” Patrick claps his hand on my shoulder. “Stay safe out there and take this radio. If anything happens, or you find Dustin, call in on the radio.”

I take the radio from him, and Fletcher raises a second one on the other side of the cave. I’ll be able to communicate with them if I need to while I’m out there. Knowing that chases away some of the nervous feeling flowing through me, but not all of it.

There’s a chance that something bad could happen out there. I could get hurt, and with visibility as poor as it is, they might not be able to find me.

I have to keep a positive mindset.

The wind is still howling as I step out of the cave. Everything is coated in a thick layer of white powder. Snow falls quickly, creating a dull haze in front of me. The outlines of trees are still visible, but I don’t know if they will be for long.

I adjust the harness, making sure it’s tight and still comfortable before walking through the snow. The sled drags along behind me, skating over mounds of snow and broken branches.

The first few steps are the hardest. My hands shake as I stuff them into my pockets. The warmth from the glove warmers is starting to fade. There are more in the sled if I need them, but I want to keep as many supplies for Dustin as possible.

I doubt he’s going to be in a good state when I find him.

Even though we told the hikers that they all dressed warm so everything should be alright, this weather came out of nowhere. Despite having several layers on, the chill is still seeping through to my bones.

The sooner I find Dustin and get us both out of this shit, the better.

I pull down my neck warmer and cup my hands to my mouth. “Dustin!”

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