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“How’s it going?” Mark asks, joining us after Jessie nearly glares me to death for bumping into her while she was looking at a chart.

“I need a coffee,” Jessie says, looking between the two of us. “Be back in a few.”

Mark watches her walk away before turning to me. “What the hell did you do to get on her bad side? Jessie loves everybody.”

I rub the back of my neck, my cheeks flaming as I take him to the side where nobody is listening. “You remember how I told you about the woman from that conference?”

“Yeah. The one who sounded far too good for you?” Mark smirks before his eyes widen and he looks in the direction Jessie went. “No way. She was the girl?”

“You can’t tell anybody. I don’t want people to start whispering about it. They already talk about me enough and she doesn’t deserve to have that shit put on her.”

“No wonder she doesn’t like you. She told you everything about herself and then you ghosted her.” Mark shakes his head and eyes me skeptically. “Now I’m starting to wonder why I even like you.”

I groan and run my hand down my face. “Don’t bust my balls about this. We both know I wasn’t ready to try anything more than a night with someone like her. She’s better off without me in her life.”

“You keep telling yourself that,” Mark says as Jessie joins us again with a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. “Maybe one day you might actually see yourself properly.”

“Well, let’s get back to it.” Jessie takes off down the hall, her white coat flaring out behind her. She doesn’t look over her shoulder to make sure that I’m following her. Hell, I’m sure she would be happier if I didn’t.

With a nod to Mark, I take off after her, determined not to piss her off even more.

Somehow, I don’t think not pissing her off is possible.



Yawning, I lean against the nurses’ station and look through the latest patient file that’s found its way to my pile. As I scan through the notes, trying to find what could be the cause of the nausea the patient has been feeling for days, Brookes stands behind me.

Throughout the entire night, he’s been following me around like a lost puppy while I show him the ropes. Thankfully, he doesn’t try to make conversation with me. I don’t know what to say to him.

The horny little bitch living in the back of my mind wants me to tell him that I want a repeat of the night we shared together. Sex only this time, not talking about our personal lives.

Allowing him to get that close to me was a mistake I won’t be repeating a second time. Some of the things I told Brookes that night are things I’ve never told anyone else. I don’t know what it is about him that made me want to open up, but I know it’s never going to happen again.

He can’t be trusted.

“What’s our next case?” Brookes asks as I reach for another file.

“Haven’t decided yet. There’s a couple different cases we have to deal with, but they’re stable and waiting on various tests currently.”

“Shit,” Brookes says, his tone teasing as he leans on the counter beside me. “That’s the most you’ve said to me all night. Is that because we only have an hour until midnight when our shift ends?”

And naturally now is when he gets brave and decides to push his luck.

The nurse sitting at the station eyes him like she’s thinking about asking him to hook up in one of the empty trauma rooms. I glare at her, waiting until she looks away before returning to the file.

I have no right to be upset about the way she looks at Brookes, but I am.

“Brookes, if you piss me off, I’m going to tell the rest of the staff that you’re responsible for cleaning the bedpans tomorrow. Are we understood?”

He chuckles, the sound sending a shudder through my body. That chuckle is the same one that had me moaning his name as he buried his face between my legs five years ago.

I squeeze my thighs together, trying to push the memories of that night away. The last thing I need is to be thinking about the way the man used his tongue to do something other than taunt me.

“If that’s what it takes to get you to be friendly, then I might just do that.” He grins and grabs one of the files, scanning through it.

I scowl, but I can’t ignore the way my stomach flips when he moves a little closer to me. Working with him is bad enough, but still being attracted to him is even worse. I don’t want to let Brookes draw me in again. I’m going to do everything I can to prevent that from happening.
