Page 75 of Paging Doctor Grump

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I grab a small watering can and water the spider plants. The oldest one in my collection is surprisingly still alive, but that’s due to Brookes.

These days, he’s the one who remembers to take care of the plants, even with the long days he and Patrick are putting in for the ambulance service. It’s only a matter of days before the renovation on the building is done.

After that, everything is going to start moving a lot faster.

As I’m watering the last plant, the front door swings open and Brookes kicks off his shoes. He hums to himself as he comes down the hall, a bright smile on his face.

“You would never believe what came into the emergency department today.” He sweeps me up in a big hug and kisses me slowly.

When he lets me go, my head is spinning and butterflies beat their wings against the inside of my stomach.

“What came in today?”

He drops his backpack onto one of the chairs and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. “This man shoved a water bottle up his ass.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” My jaw is nearly on the ground as Brookes nods.

“I’m not kidding at all. This is why I want to work with rural services more once the ambulance is up and running. Less people sticking things that aren’t butt plugs and anal beads up their asses.”

Though I know I shouldn’t laugh, I can’t help the giggle that slips out. “Oh please, it could be worse. He could have stuck a doll head up there. I’ve seen that before. One of the attendings made me pull it out during my first year.”

Brookes pretends to gag before heading to the living room. He nods to the paper on the table. “What’s that?”

“It might be my acceptance letter.”

He nearly drops the water as he spins to face me. “What?”

“I got into the fellowship program at SMUH!”

Brookes puts down the glass before crossing the room. He sweeps me up into another hug, spinning me around and peppering my face with kisses. I laugh and hold on as we nearly take out a stool with a spider plant on it.

“Holy shit,” he says as he sets me down. “I can’t believe you got in! I mean, I can believe it, because I knew you would. You’re an amazing doctor. But holy shit. Congratulations, Jessie. I’m so fucking proud of you.”

I smile and loop my arms over his shoulders, my fingers sinking into the soft hair at the base of his neck. “Thank you.”

“So, what do you want to do to celebrate?”

“Can we do whatever I want?” I give him a teasing smile and take a step forward, pushing him back toward the bathroom. “Because right about now, a steaming hot shower sounds like the perfect way to celebrate.”

His crooked grin sends my heart racing a mile a minute. “Oh? And would we be taking this celebration shower together, or are you going to do it on your own?”

“Well, I was thinking that we could celebrate together. But if you don’t want to, I’m more than fine on my own.”

He scoffs and throws me over his shoulder. Laughing, I reach down to smack his ass as he carries me off to the bathroom for our celebration.

Life can’t get any better than this.

Although, that might be because I live with the man of my dreams.

Brookes moving into my apartment was an easy decision. The rent is cheaper, leaving us more money to put toward the ambulance service and our future home.

We’re able to sit back and plan our lives together without worrying. From what we’ve figured out so far, it’s already looking bright.

Nearly as bright as that damn sun streaming in the window while I’m trying to sleep.

Last night, we were too lost in each other to shut the curtains and I’m regretting that decision now.

If we had even gotten up for two minutes, the sun wouldn’t be trying to burn its way through my retinas right now.
