Page 3 of Calder

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Moving even closer, I can smell the strawberry milk, but also a scent that is all Kady. Leaning back against the kitchen counter, she crosses her arms just below her breasts, pushing them up in her top more.

Licking my lips, she scoffs and goes to move to the side to leave, but I stop her with my hand on her stomach.

“Have a drink with me?” I ask her for the fucking millionth time.

Shaking her head, she huffs.

“That is never going to happen, Calder.”

“Why? Is it because I am prettier than you and people will wonder why I am with such a horrid looking chick like you?” I joke.

A smile graces her beautiful lips, then she licks them, looking me up and down.

“Oh, I think it would be the other way around and people would want to know why a sweet girl like me would be with a man who likes to fuck three women in one night, at the same location.”

Fuck me, I am never going to live that night down. We had just come home from a huge hunt, and I was pumped. I got to fuck a chick who had been giving me fuck-me eyes all night, but it wasn’t enough, so I got a blowjob in the storeroom and then I fucked a Rugged Reg when she arrived later that night, all while Kady and all the club women were there.

When the guys told me the next day that Kady saw it all, I felt ashamed, but that quickly left because she couldn’t say shit since we are not together. I have this thing where I get so lost in the lust and sexual atmosphere that I lose myself.

It has gotten me into so much fucking trouble over the years.

“Not wanting to sound like a dick here, but we are not together. If I am single, I can fuck whoever I want.”

Clearly that is the wrong thing to say because she shakes her head, sidesteps me, and leaves the kitchen.

My gut tightens.

Dropping my chin to my chest, I let out a long breath.

I follow behind her into the main room where everyone is chilling. The guys are all seated on the chairs close to the bar, and the women are sitting across the room on the sofas, talking and laughing. Royal has his gaze possessively on his Ol’ Lady, which has been the norm since they announced that she was pregnant.

The man is over the fucking moon that he is going to be a dad. He will do a great job; he was amazing when Dom was dropped off on Jack. Then the other kids started arriving and he stepped up to help, like he was in training for when his own kids came along.

I join them, taking a seat and making sure that Kady is in my line of sight. She lifts her head, our gazes connect, and I throw her a wink. She may put on this hard-ass image when it comes to me, but I see the speckles of pink tint her creamy-skinned cheeks.

Grinning like a fool, I turn back to the guys and see them all smirking in my direction. My brother’s gaze flicks to the women, then back to me, so I know he knows I am looking at Kady.

“What?” I ask Finan.

“Make a move?” He stares at me.

“Don’t think I haven’t tried, brother. She shuts me down at every turn,” I tell him.

“Well, if you didn’t stick your cock in anything that flashed you a smile, then maybe she would look at you differently.” This comes from a grinning Jack.

“At least I am getting regular pussy, brother,” I remark, cocking an eyebrow in challenge at him.

Shaking his head, he points the beer bottle in his hand at me. “And that, dear friend, is why Kady will never give you the time of day. You will always think of easy pussy when you could have prime pussy that is sitting right over there. Kady is one of the good ones.”

“Just like her sister. She has a feisty side, man, but deep down I know that she wants someone to call hers,” Royal adds.

I take in what they are saying and look over to her once more. She is laughing at something Joss says, her head thrown back, her long blonde hair hanging over the back of the chair.

My breath catches in my throat seeing her so carefree and enjoying life. I know that she has been a little jumpy since the attack and I know she is hiding it from the people around her, but I see it.

The subtle finch at a loud bang, or when a chair scrapes across the floor. But right now she is full of life and joy. A smile slips across my face seeing her like this; this is the old Kady slipping back through. Watching her wear a mask these past few weeks has been hard but since we are not together, I knew that she wouldn’t accept any help from me.

“You are fucking hooked, brother,” Maverick states and I chuckle.
