Page 96 of Calder

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I think over what she has said, what she planned to do with Kane, the gun. But I hear my mom’s voice saying that not all people get to choose their paths, sometimes it is forced on them.

I wanted kids but not yet, but my fatherhood path was forced onto me.

“No, but could we get a restraining order that states she can’t come into Fort Lauderdale again? I am not sure how it works.”

“I will see what we can do,” Cal replies.

“Fuck.” I scrub my hands over my face, feeling fucking drained. “I need my Ol’ Lady and my boy. Thanks, Cal.” I shake his hand and walk back inside, needing to feel Kady and Kane, to know that they are safe, and nothing fucked up is touching them.

“Calder,” my woman’s voice calls to me as soon as I step inside.

She rushes to me, her legs going around my waist, her arms around my neck, as she clings to me like a level-five stalker, but I will take it.

“Has Cal left?” Darcy asks.

“No, he is talking to the brothers outside,” I inform her, then she takes off to see her men.

“I checked on Kane, he is still sleeping,” she tells me.

“Good. I need to see him.”

“Calder, what happened?” my mom asks, stepping up to us, with Joss and Juni close by.

“The woman who gave birth to Kane turned up demanding him.” I hold Kady closer but letting her get to her feet. “She wanted him back; it turns out she owed her dealer money and Kane was the debt.”

Kady shakes with anger next to me.

“I am going to kill her.” Juni runs out of the room.

I can’t help but chuckle at her; my niece is one fierce person. Knowing Finan is out there, I have no worry for her.

“I don’t like to speak ill of people, but I want to strangle that little bitch. How fucking dare she want to sell my grandson. She is fucking lucky she is gone; I want to cut a bitch.”

I stare at my mom in shock, as does everyone else around us.

“Fuck yeah, Della baby. My work here is done,” Risky calls out.

My mom clears her throat, and sighs. “I need a drink.” Cupping my cheek, she tells me, “I am proud of you, baby.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Remind me never to piss you off,” Kady says to her, making her smile widen.

“You, Kady girl, I have no worries over with my son or grandson.”

“Come on, let’s go see our boy.”

I lead her to my room, thankful that I have her at my side.



My body is still shaking as we enter Calder’s room at the club. My heart is racing with both fear and anger that this fucking so-called mother wanted to sell this sweet baby. Needing to see him, I quicken my steps to the cot, and lean down to brush my fingers across his soft hair.

“No one will ever take you from your dad and me. We love you, Kane Price.” My voice breaks.

Heat hits my side and I turn my head to see Calder. Love and adoration shine back at me, and I melt against him.
