Page 6 of In the Shadows

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Apparently, it was long enough because the payment bell dinged. A figure cloaked in darkness filled the screen, and I smiled.

“Hi, there,” I said, starting the conversation. “Did you miss me?”

A disguised voice streamed through my computer speakers.

“You know I can’t stay away from my naughty girl for long.”

I responded with a soft purr, then, “I’m always happy to spend some time with you.” It wasn’t an out-and-out lie. Whoever this guy was showed up for me nearly every evening that I worked. I had a list of fans, but he was by far the most dedicated and brought in a lot of money. As long as Shadow Whisperer paid well, I would give him a good time. Even though I hadn’t ever admitted it to him, some nights I liked our twisted fantasy time together. I also wanted to know who was behind the screen, and why did he spend so much time with me? Did he not have a family?

He cleared his throat, interrupting my thoughts.

“I just watched your shower video.” He paused and shifted in his chair. “Who were you thinking of when you had your hand between your thighs, stroking your hot cunt?”

I purposefully took a deep breath, my breasts rising and falling just for him. “You know it’s always you, baby.”

“Tell me more,” he demanded as the shadow of his hand disappeared. The sound of his zipper lowering made me smile.

“You’re demanding and dominating as you spin me around and bend me over. I need you to fuck me hard and make me forget that anything else exists other than your huge cock pumping into my wet cunt. You slide your hand between my legs and pinch my clit so hard I scream.”

He growled as he stroked his cock in front of me, the shadows hiding his face and most of his body.

“You pull out of me, and I turn around while you grab my hair and force me to my knees. Telling me to part my mouth, you rub the tip of your cock along my mouth. Eagerly, I part my lips and flick my tongue across your sensitive head, tasting precum. Sliding you into my mouth, I moan as I take the full length of you until you hit the back of my throat. I stroke and suck you until you pull out and spray cum all over my tits.”

“That’s it. You’re the only one that makes me come this hard.” His breathing hitched in his throat as he groaned and released.

Secretly, I gravitated to him as well, but he’d made it clear I was his naughty girl, and no one could ever replace me. Maybe it was bordering on a sick obsession, but I fed on it too.

His chuckle filtered through my computer speakers, and I waited for him to speak. “I think it’s time that you give me your real name instead of your screen name, Angel Fluff,” he said.

“You know the rules, baby. No personal details.” I nibbled on my manicured nail and peeked through my long, black eyelashes.

“Fuck the rules. I have a friend with a sex club. We could meet there, and you can give me my own private show. I’ll remain behind the glass and watch you. I’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.”

“What?” I shrieked as I leaned back too far in my chair, my arms flailing around, causing my towel to drop to my waist as I struggled to regain my balance and dignity.

His chuckle rumbled through his broad chest. “You heard me.”

Once I settled in again, I gathered the towel and attempted to cover my breasts.

“Leave it down,” he ordered.

Slowly, I lowered it away from my body. Something about his tone had me obeying before I realized I was giving into him so quickly. “Fifty thousand dollars to watch me in person? I don’t understand.”

Maybe I did. I was part of his daily sexual fantasies. Why wouldn’t he want more? And fifty grand could put a nice dent in the bills I was struggling to pay.

“There’s nothing to understand. I want what I want.”

A few beats of silence passed before I responded. “You’ll be behind glass and won’t touch me?”

“Yes. For now. But before you say yes, you should know that I have some very particular tastes.” He shifted in his chair.

My eyes narrowed at the screen as I attempted to figure out what his game was.

“Like what? Threesomes, BDSM, what’s your dirty addiction?”

“When the time comes, you’ll find out.” His tone held an edge of darkness, danger.

A chill slithered over my arms, and I swallowed down the fear, telling my inner voice to hush. It wasn’t about what I was comfortable with. It was about being able to make quick money. Desperate people sometimes had to silence their instincts. Desperate people didn’t get to worry about things like fear or being uneasy.
