Page 7 of In the Shadows

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“When and where?”

“You'll fly on my private plane. I’ll confirm the time for you shortly, but it will be in the afternoon. When you land in Seattle, a car will pick you up and drive you to the club.”

Goosebumps prickled my skin, and a sense of foreboding trotted in hot on its heels. I shook my head, baffled at his invitation. No one had ever offered me anything like this before. I’ve fucking lost my mind, but how can I pass up money like that? I took a deep breath and reminded myself of all the good that would come from working for one afternoon.

Once the details were settled, we signed off. Never in a million years would I ever tell Cami what I’d just agreed to even if it meant keeping me safe. When I’d first started to work online, I promised myself that I would never let them touch me, just watch.

“Nothing’s changed, Ella. Stop being a baby.” A prickly sensation washed over me, and I rubbed my arms, warding off the haunted feeling. Then, my brain gave me a big fuck you. Holy shit. If he wants me to meet him at a club, does that mean he knows that I live in Portland? A thick lump formed in my throat. I had to back out.

A chime from my laptop pulled me out of my panic, and I hurried to see who was contacting me. I propped a hand on the desk and leaned down, reading the message.

Shadow Whisperer:

Your flight leaves tomorrow at 1:12 in the afternoon from PDX and arrives in Seattle an hour and ten minutes later.

My heart broke into a gallop. Fuck! He knows where I live. I had to cancel now or never. Once I gave my word, I kept it no matter the consequences. My hand shook as I debated my response.


See you soon.

“Remember why, Ella. When you’re terrified as hell, remember what this is all for,” I said softly.

With that, I signed off and closed my computer before I crawled my exhausted ass into bed. I set my alarm, ready to grab some sleep before I had to be at the airport. But my brain had other ideas, and thoughts galloped through my head along with a wake of fear. What in the hell had I just agreed to? Remember the why.

Chapter 4


“Remember that God under the Law ordained a Lamb to be offered up to Him every Morning and Evening.” ~ Thomas Ken

Darkness shielded my presence as I waited for the perfect opportunity to catch Andrew alone. It shouldn’t be difficult since he practiced bad habits after nightfall. Some people thought they were safe from me because they lived in a wealthy neighborhood with high-tech cameras and security systems. How wrong they were.

A white Pathfinder approached the house, and I stilled, willing my breathing to become so faint that it was almost undetectable even to me. Little did he realize that I’d been following him for almost a month now. I had gone to great lengths to learn his schedule, identify the cheating assholes that he called his friends, and even noted the days and times he attended the gym to keep up his buff appearance.

He was pathetic. A fake. He appeared to the public as a successful, loving family man. What his wife hadn’t figured out yet was that he was balls deep inside a different chick every other night. He also had a nasty gambling habit and treated people like shit behind closed doors. That was just the beginning of his lies. But I knew the truth. All the ugly, ink-black truth about him.

He climbed out of the car and stuck a red pair of panties into his three-thousand-dollar briefcase, chuckling as if he was getting away with his affair. He was dead wrong.

Humming softly, he approached the row of garbage and recycling canisters along the darkest side of his home. Clueless to my presence, he tossed an empty Burger King bag into the green container.

Without a sound, I stepped from my hiding place behind him. “Hello, Andrew. Welcome to hell.” I slapped my gloved hand over his mouth and with my other hand, I stabbed the needle into the side of his neck.

The full moon cast an eerie shadow across the water as a small ripple traveled over the otherwise smooth surface of the lake. I had searched for the perfect place to bring Andrew to. It was a hidden, quiet area with no homes in sight for miles. The tree cover was perfect for what I had in mind for the evening.

Smiling as if I didn’t have a care in the world, I turned when I heard muffled noises.

“Rest well?” I asked while I kneeled near Andrew, who was lying on his side on the hard, unforgiving ground wiggling back and forth as if it would help. The earth wasn’t the only one who wouldn’t grant forgiveness.

His mouth widened in horror as his mind scrambled to understand where he was. He squirmed against the ropes tied snugly around his wrists and ankles.

I ripped the duct tape off his mouth and left the corner dangling from one cheek, laughing as his screams turned into pitiful cries.

His face drained of all color, making the fine lines of age more pronounced. His eyes wide and bulging, darted frantically from side to side, desperately searching for an escape. There was none.

“Don’t hurt me. Please. I’ll give you anything you want.” Snot coated his upper lip, and his tongue swiped along his parched mouth.

Unmoved by his pathetic begging, I sneered at him. “Welcome to your worst nightmare, Andrew. Let me introduce myself.” I leaned close to his left ear. “I’m Death.”
