Page 113 of The Upper Crush

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She blinked. ‘You’re recommending Arnica? I thought you’d have scoffed at homoeopathy.’

‘Only when it doesn’t work. But Arnica does, so…’

She shook her head, even though he couldn’t see her. ‘Can you please tell the body snatchers to keep the old James? This version is a big improvement.’

He laughed. ‘Can I make you a cup of tea? Chamomile?’

She narrowed her eyes. ‘Ye-es.’

‘Don’t sound so suspicious. You’ve got a glass jar of the stuff, a collection of tea infusers, and a pot of honey next to them. Working out you might like a cup doesn’t make me Sherlock Holmes.’

‘Okay, Miss Marple, that would be lovely, thanks.’

She heard him chuckle, then make his way back down the stairs.


Carefully getting out of the bath, Estelle put on her pyjamas and dressing gown. Her ankle started hurting again as soon as it was no longer elevated, so she bum-shuffled down the stairs and hopped to one of the sofas.

James came in from the kitchen. ‘That was stealthy. I didn’t hear you.’

‘What can I say? I’m a veritable ninja.’

He grinned. ‘Your tea’s almost finished steeping. I’ll get it for you, then we can get your foot strapped up.’ He disappeared again.

This is all too comfortable and all too weird.

Estelle glanced at her watch. Still only four o’clock. At least an hour and a half before Elyse came home. Luckily, there was nothing to tell James his ex now lived here.

James re-appeared, pulled the coffee table nearer to her so she could reach the mug of tea, then sat on the arm of the sofa and began bandaging her ankle. His touch was careful but assured, and Estelle couldn’t help but stare at his hands and wonder what they might feel like on different parts of her body…

‘Before you go to bed tonight, drench it in witch hazel, then again in the morning. Use the peas and sleep with it elevated.’

‘Yes, Miss Nightingale.’

He smirked. ‘Can I cook you dinner?’

Her gaze flicked to her watch again. She wanted to spend more time with James when he was like this, but there was no way Elyse could come home and find him here, or James find out that Estelle was harbouring someone she wasn’t even meant to know.

‘I’m fine. You probably need to get back.’

‘Not really. Apart from your injury, this has been the most enjoyable day I’ve had since arriving in Somerset.’

She fiddled with her watch strap, as if by doing so, she could somehow turn back time.


‘You can go now. I’m fine.’

James sat on the sofa opposite her.

‘Thank you for helping me,’ she continued. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘I need to tell you something.’

Her head snapped up.

His expression was sombre. ‘About Elyse.’
