Page 115 of The Upper Crush

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He nodded. ‘Okay.’

She moved her leg off the arm of the sofa, meaning to get up and see him out.

‘No, don’t get up. Just rest. If you change your mind about coming in, just message me. Okay?’

‘I will.’

He nodded again, then left.

Estelle let her head drop back to the sofa.

Well, today didn’t pan out as intended.

She was simultaneously wired and exhausted, her brain needing to sleep in order to process all the information buzzing around inside it like a swarm of discombobulated bees. She took out her phone.

‘Hello my lovely friend,’ Eveline said when she picked up. ‘How are you?’

‘Having an existential crisis, but more to the point, how are you?’

‘That doesn’t sound good. I’m extremely tired, but currently on the sofa resting whilst my wonderful husband cooks dinner.’

‘Good. Well, not about the tiredness, but about Jack looking after you.’

‘I really couldn’t do this without him. I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open most of the time.’

‘I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to see more of you recently.’

‘Don’t be a silly billy. Now tell me about your existential crisis. I want to use today’s energy allocation on you.’

Estelle sighed. ‘Promise you won’t laugh at me?’

‘I would never laugh at you, but if it’s funny then I might laugh with you.’

‘It’s not funny. It’s a disaster.’

‘Oh, dear.’

‘I can hear you smiling.’

‘I’m just pleased to hear your voice.’

‘Eveline! It is a disaster.’

‘Do I need to organise a fundraiser?’

‘Ha-de-ha. I’m not going to tell you now.’

Eveline giggled. ‘I apologise. Do tell.’

‘Okay.’ Estelle took a fortifying breath. ‘James Hunter-Savage might be a tiny bit nice.’


‘What do you mean “and”? He’s the devil!’

‘Estelle, he really isn’t—’

‘And he’s been using black magic to make me like him.’
