Page 123 of The Upper Crush

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He squeezed the hand she was resting on his arm. ‘Don’t be. You’re amazing. You’ve got this.’

As they entered the room she led him over to the fireplace to stand next to her.

Arthur clinked his wedding rings against a glass and the room fell silent.

‘Thank you all so much for coming tonight,’ Estelle began. ‘For those of you I haven’t yet met, I’m Estelle Foxbrooke representing the Foxbrooke estate, and this is James Hunter-Savage, the CEO of BDE Entertainment. As you can see, we’ve got lots of information for you about the festival, and we’ve also created copies for you to take home and read at your leisure.’

Despite the beautiful surroundings, and Perry and her daughter, Leia, circling the room with trays of drinks, most of the councillors didn’t seem impressed. Arms were crossed, faces were pinched, and noses twitched as if itching to sneer.

‘We’ll be in here for the next twenty or so minutes, then we’ll go through for dinner,’ Estelle continued. ‘Both James and I will circulate throughout the evening and welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have.’

James kept smiling, trying to project positivity he suddenly didn’t feel.

‘During dinner, you’ll be entertained by my family. Afterwards there will be more music and a Regency dancing workshop with Libby Fletcher, who runs our living history tours.’

There was silence when Estelle finished speaking, but it wasn’t a comfortable one. It was cold, flat and empty.

‘I, er...’ she continued. ‘I understand many of you have reservations about my family and the partnership between the Foxbrooke estate and BDE Entertainment. I hope tonight you’ll allow us the opportunity to share our passion for this project and the many ways it will positively benefit the local economy and community.’

Mark and Sarah, the two councillors who’d witnessed his blow-up with Estelle, were standing right at the front of the crowd, with faces like stone.

Estelle’s gaze flicked to them and she swallowed. James saw how nervous she was getting. He moved closer to her, his hand brushing her side.

She grabbed it. ‘I also want to take this opportunity to apologise publicly to Councillor Pensford and Councillor Hughes who witnessed an argument between myself and Mr Hunter—James, a couple of weeks ago. I’m the most hot-headed woman in our family, and that morning I’d been told some things about him that weren’t true.’

She squeezed his hand tightly and his nerve endings prickled with fear.

What’s she doing?

‘What is true is that I’d fallen in love.’

With who?

‘With James.’

Oh, fuck.

‘We’re in a relationship.’

In front of him was a sea of shocked faces.

‘He’s my boyfriend and I’m his girlfriend, and the music and arts festival is our baby.’

James’s gaze snagged on Henry, who was moving from the back of the room towards them, a look of murder on his face and his hands bunched into fists.

‘So, none of you need to worry about whether or not James and I can get on,’ Estelle continued, her voice getting louder as if she was getting to the end of a toast at a wedding, ‘because we’re in love!’

She tugged sharply on his hand, pulling him towards her, then kissed his cheek.

‘Aren’t we, darling?’


Estelle’s heart was racing, a cold sweat shivering across her skin as James stared at her, his face rigid with shock.

What have I done?

He smiled, but there was panic behind his eyes.
