Page 125 of The Upper Crush

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‘Okay, come on then, let’s get this evening over with.’

Striding to the door, she followed her dad and Bev down the corridor, upset and anger swirling inside her. Why did things always work out for Henry and not for her? Why could her brother fake-date and it turn into something wonderful, but when she tried it, it was an abject failure? She knew these feelings of insecurity went back to their childhood, but their roots seemed unshakably deep. And despite how much her feelings were changing towards James, it was clear his feelings for her hadn’t altered one iota.

But he made the perfume for you. He said you were beautiful!

Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!

James reached her side. ‘You alright?’

‘I’m fine.’

He huffed. ‘When a woman tells you she’s “fine”, she’s most definitely not.’

A hubbub of voices drifted towards them from the dining room up ahead. Estelle didn’t know what to do or how to act anymore.

James took her hand and pulled her to a stop. Suddenly she was facing a hard wall of heat that smelled so irresistible she wanted to plaster herself against it.

‘Are you mad at me or yourself right now?’

Both? She couldn’t say that word out loud without having to explain herself, so she just shrugged and stared at the centre of his chest, watching it rise and fall as he breathed.

‘Estelle,’ he began, his voice a dark rumble. ‘If I’m the one you’re mad at, then once the last guest leaves, you can say or do whatever you like to me.’

Oh, god. A whoosh of sensation scorched up through her body. Her mind knew exactly what she wanted to do to him, starting with getting him naked.

‘But right now,’ he continued, ‘I need you to act as if you like me. Can you do that?’

She nodded, focusing on the silky darkness of his tie.


Pushing open the door, he led her to the table where Mark Pensford was sitting, a large plate of food in front of him.

‘Is this seat taken?’ James asked him.

Mark looked up. ‘No.’

James pulled a chair out, sat Estelle down, then leaned in. ‘Star, you stay here and chat to Mark. I’ll get you your favourites from the buffet.’

He raised his head to smile at the councillor. ‘Estelle was doing mounted archery training last week and took a tumble. Her ankle is still a bit sore so I want to make sure she doesn’t spend too much time on her feet tonight.’

‘Mounted archery?’

‘Yes. She’s going to compete for the first time soon.’ James stroked the side of her face and gazed at her with such love in his eyes that Estelle felt hers welling up. ‘Why don’t you tell him about it? I’ll be back in a bit.’ He dropped a kiss on her forehead and strode off.

She stared after him. James was the tallest and most handsome man in the room, cutting through the crowds like a charismatic billionaire moonlighting as a supermodel.

‘So, how does a mounted archery competition work?’ Mark asked.

Estelle blinked, suddenly remembering her purpose here was to charm the councillors and get them back on side. Turning to give Mark her full attention, she smiled and began telling him about the roots of the sport and how she was training.

A few minutes later, James returned and placed a plate of food in front of her.

‘I’m going to speak to Sarah,’ he said. ‘If you need anything else, just give me a wave.’ Leaning down, he grazed her cheek with his lips. ‘See you in a bit, Star.’

Estelle shivered at his words, her heart racing. She desperately wanted him to kiss her again, but this time his lips to touch hers.

‘If you don’t mind me saying…’ Mark interrupted her fantasies. ‘I would never have put you two together, especially after hearing you argue.’
