Page 129 of The Upper Crush

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James was power, heat and sex, imprisoning her in his arms and unleashing a storm of passion. As her tongue clashed with his, her body shook with the need to come. It was a desperate, intense, physical ache only he could satisfy.

He pushed his pelvis forward, holding her up as she rubbed her swollen clit against him. Her pants were soaked through and the swells of her orgasm were beginning to build. Her heart was pounding faster and faster, her lungs dragging air in and out. She wanted, she needed, she—

James froze, then his lips lifted from hers, his breath ragged.


‘Don’t stop on my account,’ came a voice.

Brain befuddled and gaze unfocused, Estelle’s attention left the orbit of planet James and landed on the figure of Councillor Sarah Hughes as she strolled past them with a grin.

‘We should plug you two into the National Grid,’ she continued. ‘Could power the whole of Bath and North-East Somerset.’

Estelle blinked, her chest still heaving as she tried to draw in enough air to stay conscious.

‘Thank you both for this evening,’ Sarah said over her shoulder. ‘It was very informative.’ She continued towards the front door of the manor.

Reality crashed into Estelle like a racing car hitting the tyre wall at over a hundred miles an hour. James Hunter-Savage was holding her up against a wall. Her legs were clasped around his back as if they were wrestling, her dress was at the top of her thighs, and her pussy was up close and very personal with a bit of his body she’d never seen, yet had fantasised about frequently.

Hearing voices coming from around the corner, she pushed him away, unable to meet his gaze.

He let her down to the floor and she tugged the hem of her dress back to her knees, just as Henry, Libby, Arthur, and several of the councillors appeared.

‘Ah! There you are!’ Arthur boomed. ‘Having a bit of nookie were we?’

Estelle could hardly breathe. She looked from her father to her twin. Henry’s eyes narrowed as he stared past her at James.

‘Oh, Arthur,’ Libby said. ‘Leave them be.’ She smiled brightly at Estelle. ‘Everyone’s heading off now, so we’re just saying our goodbyes.’

Estelle nodded and summoned a smile, even though adrenaline was still rushing through her veins and sending her heart tripping over itself. ‘We’ll come with you. Sarah’s just gone.’

She carried on up the corridor with them, making sure she was as far away from James as possible. What the hell had she just done?

‘You okay?’ Henry whispered.

‘Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?’

‘Let’s talk when they’ve gone.’

In the entrance hall, they helped the guests with their coats, then stood as more people came from the dining room, escorted by Vivienne, Dervla, Connor, Leo and Willow.

As Arthur closed the front door behind the last one, Jack arrived with Beverley.

‘Well, unless anyone’s hiding in the toilets, I think that’s the last of them gone,’ he said.

‘Well done all of you!’ Arthur cried. ‘Fingers crossed it did the trick. And top marks go to Estelle and James for their very convincing little charade.’ He turned to her. ‘Although next time, darling, give him a smacker on the lips, not the bally cheek. He’s not Gram-Gram.’

‘There isn’t going to be a next time,’ Henry said curtly.

In her peripheral vision, Estelle saw James freeze.

‘You never know…’ Arthur continued, a hopeful look on his face, as if the thought of Estelle and James getting together suddenly doubled his chances of becoming a grandfather.

‘I’m willing to continue a relationship with Estelle,’ James said. ‘If it helps the festival.’

‘A relationship?’ Henry growled. ‘That’s the opposite of what she wants.’

‘Henry…’ Libby began.
