Page 134 of The Upper Crush

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Finn: If you admit you like him, I’ll trim my beard and wear my best shirt tonight

Finn: Stelle?

Estelle: Promise?

Finn: Scout’s honour

Estelle: And this conversation is CONFIDENTIAL?

Finn: YES

Estelle: Okay, I like him a little bit. But only a tiny bit! And nothing is going to happen. And I don’t want anything to happen, okay? It’s just he hand-painted dog bowls for Chester and Joy and he was nice when I did my ankle in, and he makes the best cappuccino

Finn: Wow. You really like him

Estelle: Fuck off! No, I don’t. Now go and sort your beard out and make an effort when you meet Elyse. Okay?

Finn: Yes, Ms Hunter-Foxbrooke

Estelle: Not funny

Finn: I think it’s got a nice ring to it

Estelle: Shut up

Finn: Henry’s going to be thrilled. Do you think James will ask him to be the best man at your wedding?

Estelle: Do not say a fucking word, Finn, or I will end you

Finn: See you later, Stelle…

‘You sure you won’t leave me alone?’ Elyse asked as she drove her and Estelle slowly down the winding country lane, the headlights illuminating the barren hedgerows on either side of the road.

‘I promise I won’t unless my bladder is bursting and you have someone nice to talk to.’

‘Does Finn know I’m coming?’

‘He hasn’t got a clue.’

‘Okay, good.’

Estelle’s phone buzzed with a message. She pulled it out and stared at the screen.

James: Thank you for last night

Oh, my god!

‘Is that him?’



‘Er, no, it’s my brother.’

‘Which one?’

‘Connor. He might be coming later. Let me message him back.’
