Page 149 of The Upper Crush

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He grinned. ‘That’s close enough. What do you want me to do?’

‘Don’t move and keep your eyes open.’

‘That won’t be difficult. I don’t want to look anywhere else. And besides, I couldn’t even close them if I tried. Ever since you shot an arrow at my balls last year, I’ve even been sleeping with one eye open.’

She smirked, then straddled him so his dick was in front of her, rock hard and swollen, the end touching his belly button. Raising her thighs a fraction, she dragged her wet pussy along the length of it.

Gritting his teeth, he hissed out a long breath. He’d thought he could handle whatever Estelle was about to do, but his confidence in his ability to resist shooting his load prematurely was already beginning to erode.

She rubbed herself from base to tip. ‘Keep your eyes open.’

Clenching his jaw, he gazed at her. The sight was agonisingly erotic. She licked her fingers, then brought them to her nipples.

‘Fuck!’ he growled, raising his hands to take over.

She batted them away. ‘I thought I told you not to move?’

‘Are you trying to kill me?’

‘You’ve only just worked that out?’

He let out a strangled laugh and thumped his head against the pillows. ‘I need to touch you. Please?’

‘Wow.’ Her voice was breathless as she rubbed her clit up and down the length of his cock. ‘You said please.’

‘I’m just a man,’ he grunted. ‘And I’m about to start begging.’

‘But you’re not just any man,’ she murmured, her hips moving quicker. ‘You’re James Hunter-Savage.’

Grabbing the sheet beneath him, he held on for dear life as her taunt hit the spot. Estelle would break a lesser man, but she wasn’t going to break him. He would orgasm on his terms, and only after she’d had a few more of her own.

But… Fuck my life, just look at her…

She was rocking faster, her lips parted as she breathed, her fingers pulling her nipples, her dark eyes fixed on his.

She’s close. Just hold on. You can do this.

Every gasp she made was a lightning bolt, shooting from her and electrocuting him in the balls. The pleasure was excruciating, and he knew he was teetering at the edge of the precipice, holding on by his fingernails.

As her gasps became cries, her eyes started to flutter closed.

Thank god.

James squeezed his own tightly shut, his mind focused on pushing his climax down. Every muscle he had was screaming, refusing to give in. He couldn’t look at Estelle, couldn’t think about her. If he did, then he was a goner.

Don’t come, don’t come, don’t come.

He kept the mantra up, trying to ignore her ecstatic cry as she orgasmed, her thighs clenching and shuddering, her wet pussy slipping and sliding along his cock.

Even when she collapsed onto him, he didn’t move. It wasn’t just lust that overwhelmed him, but feelings he didn’t want to name, filling his heart until it overflowed. So he kept his eyes closed, trying to disassociate from the moment. And from Estelle.

She sat back up. ‘Open your eyes.’

He did, then immediately shut them again. She was too beautiful.


He grunted in response.
