Page 155 of The Upper Crush

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So glad you got there okay. Things are in hand here, so just focus on getting your dad back. I’ve gone through the CVs and emailed the best candidates to come in for interview. We’ll know the week after next how the licensing committee voted, so if we get a thumbs up, hopefully whoever we choose can start straight away.

Estelle x

From: James Hunter-Savage

To: Estelle Foxbrooke

Subject: Update

It’s a shitshow here. Elyse and I are doing our best, but this isn’t going to be quick or straightforward. I’ve got no idea how long it’s going to take to sort out. How’s Mum doing? And Sophia? They keep telling me they’re fine, but I don’t believe it.

Thanks, James x

From: Estelle Foxbrooke

To: James Hunter-Savage

Subject: Re: Update.

I’m not going to lie, your mum is in bits. Sophia is better, but can’t be there the whole time because of work. I’m staying over every other night to make sure your mum has company. Can you give me access to the bank account? I need to make payments when you’re not around.

Hope things are starting to happen,

Estelle x

From: Estelle Foxbrooke

To: James Hunter-Savage


It was a narrow margin, but the vote went our way! The new hires are starting on Monday and I need access to the bank account so I can set up payroll. Things are going to step up now and I need the ability to authorise payments.

Thinking of you,

Estelle x

From: James Hunter-Savage

To: Estelle Foxbrooke


Great news about the vote. I can’t give you access to the bank account without being there. Just keep sending invoices to me and I’ll deal with them.

Got to go,

James x


From: Estelle Foxbrooke

To: James Hunter-Savage

Subject: Any clue when you might be back?

It’s been six weeks now. Can anyone give you an idea as to when you might be able to get your dad out? I know you’re doing two jobs at once, but we really need you here so we don’t have to wait sometimes forty-eight hours for payments to be made.
