Page 16 of The Upper Crush

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If James wasn’t already up to his neck in it, then he would have kicked him out on his ear a month ago.

Unfortunately, Max, with his two years of experience working for Excelsior Events, not only possessed the shovel to dig James out of the hole he was in, but also the knowledge of how to use it.

Thanks, Dad… James swallowed the bitter taste of anger and frustration souring his mouth. His father was reckless with business dealings, risk-taking with the hope of more successes than failures. Buying Excelsior Events was a knee-jerk reaction to a catastrophic fuck-up and an expensive apology gift to his son.

However, it had happened too fast and without due diligence. Kevin Hunter-Savage hadn’t included a non-compete clause, so before the ink was even dry on the contract, all members of staff, bar Max, handed in their notice and buggered off to the newly formed ‘Excalibur Events’, taking all of their clients, except for Estelle, with them.

To add insult to injury, his dad hadn’t even kept the company name, changing Excelsior Events to Big Dick Energy Entertainment because he thought James would find it funny.

James didn’t.

So, now he was left with one member of staff, who was clearly so disliked by his former colleagues they didn’t ask him to join their new company, and one client, Estelle Foxbrooke.

The music and arts festival had to go ahead, and it had to work. Just as it would cost the Foxbrookes to pull out, it would cost him and his family just as much, if not more. James had no plan B, and he doubted Estelle did either.

Estelle. She would be in her car by now. No doubt steaming mad and on her way home to whine to her brother about him. James wasn’t worried. Henry Foxbrooke was about as threatening as a damp paper bag.

What should I do now? He shook his head. Nothing. Just get out of the office on Bartlett Street, then make a plan.

* * *

‘Where are you going?’ Estelle asked, her heart rate rising as Henry strode across their shared office, an expression of murderous resolve on his face.

‘To the gun room,’ he replied, yanking the door open with such force it slammed back against the inside wall.

Panic smashed into Estelle’s chest. Her brother was one of the most mild-mannered men she knew and had only ever hit one person before. Now, however, it seemed he was about to up the ante.

‘Henry! Wait!’

But he was gone.

Following him into the main body of Foxbrooke Manor, Estelle tugged her skirt back to the top of her legs so she could catch up with him.


He didn’t stop.

‘Big Dick Energy?’ he muttered. ‘Well, at least I know where to aim once I find him.’

Estelle was glad she’d swapped her designer boots for wellies otherwise she would never have kept up with her brother’s pace.

‘Henry, wait up—’

‘First Elizabeth, then Summer,’ he spat. ‘I know you’re not blonde, but—’

‘What’s that got to do with anything?’

‘Elizabeth had blonde hair, like Summer. I don’t know if he’s got a type, but I’m not taking any risks.’

They were almost at the gun room. Estelle was strong, but her brother was stronger. She wouldn’t be able to physically stop him. Please let it be locked!

‘So you’re going to shoot him?’ she cried.

‘Isn’t that what you want to do?’

‘Of course, but I’m me and you’re you!’

He sped up. ‘Meaning?’

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