Page 183 of The Upper Crush

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A chuckle escaped. ‘Do you think I need a penis extension?’

She pulled a face. ‘God no. If you were any bigger, you’d permanently re-home my cervix.’

He grinned at her and she grinned back. Warmth filled his chest. Estelle was the most incredible person he’d ever met, and she was here, now, with him.

‘We should go on holiday after the festival,’ she said suddenly.


‘Yes! Just you and me.’

The happiness inside him froze.

Her expression glitched, and she moved away a fraction. ‘If you want to?’

‘Yes, of course I do.’

She sat up. ‘Then what is it? I’m not talking about Saint Barts. A week in Bognor would do me. We could find the money for that?’

He pushed himself up. ‘Definitely. I just need to see what I’m doing.’

She frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

His stomach tensed, but he forced the words out. ‘I’ve got a job interview in London.’


Dread crawled inside him. Had he completely fucked this up before it had even started? Emotions scudded across Estelle’s face. None of them looked positive.

‘It doesn’t mean anything for us,’ he continued quickly. ‘I want to be with you. We can make it work.’


He didn’t know. He’d fantasised about having his London life back and being with Estelle, but none of his dreams had included any details.

Getting off the bed, she pulled on her pyjamas. ‘When’s the interview?’

‘Thursday. I’m taking the train so I can work when I’m travelling, and I’m trying to fit in a meeting with a last-minute sponsor on the same day.’

‘Okay, cool.’

Going to the window, she slung a leg out.

He leapt off the bed. ‘Stop! It’s dangerous!’

But she’d already turned and was disappearing. ‘It’s fine,’ she called up. ‘I’ll see you in the morning.’

He leaned out of the window. ‘Can we talk about this?’

She smiled up at him. ‘Nothing to talk about. Everything’s hunky dory.’

Her attention went back to the trellis. When she reached the ground, she gave him a wave and ran off.

James hung his head. What could he do? He had to get a job because he had no money. Even if the last-minute sponsorship deal with the vodka company panned out, it wouldn’t be enough to give him the wages he was owed from the last eight months. The priority was paying the staff, not him. He’d never seen himself living in the countryside. But then, he’d never known Estelle Foxbrooke. He found his phone.

James: Please can we talk? I promise this won’t change anything X

Twenty minutes later, she replied.
