Page 191 of The Upper Crush

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James took a drink, his mouth suddenly dry, then leaned forward. There was no-one around them but he didn’t want to risk anyone overhearing.

‘I was showing off about deals I was making, name-dropping companies, and sharing information that was completely confidential.’

He took a deep breath. Here goes…

‘Dad took what I’d told him and used it to make a killing on the stock market. But he didn’t keep his mouth shut about it and the shit hit the fan. I was accused of insider trading, which of course it was, even though I had no idea it was happening.’

Estelle was staring at him, her lips parted.

‘So I panicked. I thought if I proved myself indispensable to Conqueror, there was no way they would let me go. So I pushed harder on my own projects and stole Henry’s in the hope it would save my arse.’

‘And did it?’ she whispered.

‘No, I had to leave. I can’t work in the City anymore and have spent every penny I have on lawyers’ fees. Dad bought Excelsior for me to run as a way of saying sorry, but I never wanted it. And when his investments went south, I felt I had no choice but to stay on here and try and make the festival work for the sake of Mum.’

‘But the job you went for today?’

‘It’s a sales gig for an American software company. They want a “charming attack dog”, and a friend of mine thought I fitted the bill.’


He rubbed a hand over his face. ‘I’ve done a lot in my life that I regret, and doing that to Henry was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made.’

‘You need to tell him.’



‘What’s the point? It’s not going to change anything. He’ll still hate me, and now he’ll hate Dad as well. Dad’s been through enough and I don’t want to risk him losing the friendship with your family. He thinks the world of your father, and Mum thinks she’s died and gone to heaven hanging out with your mom and mammy.’

Estelle was silent. What was she thinking?

He reached across the table, his palm facing up in invitation. ‘I meant what I said to you the other night. I want to be with you. If you’ll have me?’

Her hand inched towards his, then she took it. An electric shock ran up his arm and he reflexively squeezed his fingers around hers, as if never wanting to let go.

Her deep brown eyes held his, her expression guarded. He knew it was a far bigger step for her to enter a relationship with him than it was for him to begin one with her. She’d publicly hated him for years and her closest sibling still did. He thought about how he’d feel if Sophia announced she was dating Jeremy, the twat who’d trashed his family when they were seven, and an involuntary shudder ran through him.

‘Is everything okay?’

He nodded. ‘We can make this work, I promise. I—’

Snatching her hand away, she stood, staring at the front of the restaurant.

James turned to see Henry and Libby coming through the door.

Henry’s love-struck eyes were on his girlfriend, but Libby’s were on them. Her gaze flicked from him to Estelle’s outfit, then back to him again. The shock on her face was quickly masked by a huge smile.

‘Henry! Look who it is!’ she said enthusiastically. ‘It’s Estelle and James!’

James stood as they approached. Henry’s forehead furrowed as he took the two of them in. But whereas his girlfriend could at least fake pleasure at the sight, Henry most definitely could not.

‘What are you doing here?’ Henry and Estelle asked at the same time.

‘Business meeting,’ Estelle snapped.

‘We’re celebrating our engagement!’ Libby held out her hand, showing off a ring.
