Page 193 of The Upper Crush

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‘How can we fix it?’ Estelle asked.

‘We need to take it up and put steel plating underneath to spread the load.’

‘Can we get that in time?’

Jed scratched his chin. ‘I dunno. I’ll call in all the favours I can, but it’s going to cost.’

James hung his head. No doubt this would swallow up the sponsorship money he’d just acquired, leaving them right back at square one.

‘Okay,’ Estelle said. ‘Whatever you need, you’ll get it. Liaise with James to make any payments, but keep me informed.’

Jed nodded.

‘And make sure all site crew know this is out of bounds until it’s been secured. Can you tape the area off?’

‘Will do,’ Jed said to her. ‘I’ll get on it now.’

Estelle strode up the high street towards her car in silence, James keeping pace beside her. She seemed to be vibrating with fury and he wasn’t going to make it any worse by speaking. The festival was just over a week away. How many other things might go wrong before then?

He wanted to run away. But he also wanted Estelle. Right now, he couldn’t do the first and wasn’t sure if he’d ever get the second. He just had to pray this was the last disaster they’d have to deal with and when everything was over, Estelle was still willing to give him a chance.


‘Fucking cockwomble of a coffee machine!’ Estelle yelled as an error message appeared in Italian for the third time in a row.

Bracing her arms on the edge of the countertop in the office kitchen, she focused on taking long, slow breaths.

Just hold it together. You can do this.

Biting into her lower lip, she squeezed her eyes shut, pushing down a swell of tears. She hadn’t cried since the happy news of Eveline’s pregnancy, and she wasn’t planning on crying again until the baby arrived. But right now, she wanted to weep. Despite being surrounded by people, she felt utterly alone.

Both she, James, and most of the festival admin team had worked through the weekend, not only rebuilding the main stage, but preparing for the start of the festival on the following Friday. Each time Estelle thought they had a handle on things, another crisis reared its head, demanding attention, money, or both.

And now it was Monday morning and James was on his way to London for two days to meet the CEO of Global Tech, who’d flown in from Seattle. Estelle knew there wasn’t much he could do now the festival was so close, but she wanted him there. It felt like he’d already moved on and she was left carrying the can.

There was a knock at the kitchen door, and Carly entered.

‘Do you want me to make you a cappuccino?’

Estelle nodded. ‘I didn’t want to bother you, but I can’t work the bloody thing.’

Carly grinned. ‘I speak Italian and it still took me a while to get to grips with it.’

‘I didn’t realise I was such an addict until my supply ran out.’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll get your fix sorted,’ Carly said, pushing buttons on the machine.

‘Thanks.’ Estelle opened a drawer and pulled out a box of French Fancies. ‘Want one?’

‘Yes, please. I love the fact the drawer is always full of them. Do you think Bev will keep stocking them after James leaves?’

Estelle shrugged. The core admin team were still employed beyond the end of the festival to oversee the dismantling of everything and settlement of bills, but Estelle didn’t know where James was going to be.

Carly poured milk into a jug, then stuck the steam wand inside to froth it. ‘Do you have any idea who Kev is going to sell BDE Entertainment to?’ she asked over the noise of the machine.

Shock cut into Estelle’s chest. Kevin was selling the company? ‘Er, what have you heard?’

Carly poured the frothed milk into Estelle’s mug. ‘He told me over the weekend that he’s offloading the company now James is going back to London.’
