Page 196 of The Upper Crush

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The shyer woman shot a glance at her friend, as if begging her to say ‘yes’.

The friend extended a hand. ‘I’m Iris, and this is Kristen.’

James took it. ‘Thank you. I appreciate your kindness.’

Iris smirked. ‘Okay, James, introduce us to your potential new boss.’

He led them over to Garrett and made the introductions, getting the conversation and the drink flowing. Iris was a film producer and her friend, Kristen, was a production accountant. Garrett wanted to know the inside gossip on every famous actress they’d worked with.

When the second bottle of champagne had been opened, James excused himself and dashed out into the stairwell.

Taking out his phone, he saw another missed call from his lawyer. He rang him straight back.

‘Mate?’ Theo asked as the call connected.

‘What have you got for me?’

‘Good news. In fact, it’s fantastic news.’

James slumped against the wall. ‘Tell me.’

‘They’re dropping the case against you due to lack of evidence. You can go back to financial services now with a clean slate.’

‘Thank fuck.’

‘You’re welcome. And that’s not all, my fine friend.’

‘Let me guess. I owe you a pound of flesh or my first-born child?’

Theo laughed. ‘Actually, mate, you’re due a refund. After our final bill’s been settled, there’s about twenty big ones left on your account.’

James closed his eyes, letting the relief wash through him. It was over. He could take this job with Garrett, or he could find something else with less foreign travel. He had choices. And he had freedom.

‘Thank you.’

‘No worries. I’ve emailed everything over to you and sent the refund details to accounts. Go celebrate.’

‘Will do. Thanks, Theo, and speak soon.’

Getting off the call, James checked his email. He’d had two responses to his ad, and one in particular looked promising. There was nothing from Estelle.

What do you expect? A poem about how much she misses you?

His thumb hovered over the message app.

James: I haven’t seen anything big come through on email so presume everything’s in hand?

He sent the message, not knowing what else to say. Estelle didn’t need charm, she needed him back in Foxbrooke.

But still, his heart ached for her. Before he could stop himself, he sent another message.

James: I miss you

Pocketing the phone, he went back into the bar.

‘Dude!’ Garrett called out. ‘The girls are joining us for dinner.’

James didn’t know whether to be pleased or not. Their presence was a buffer against his new boss, but he was all out of small talk.
